| | Mechanics of Solids A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544 Online ISSN 1934-7936 |
Archive of Issues
Total articles in the database: | | 13011 |
In Russian (Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. ÌÒÒ): | | 8096
In English (Mech. Solids): | | 4915 |
| Table of Contents | |
| A. A. Il'yushin: Biographical essay E. A. Il'yushina | 1-2 |
| Evaluation of the bearing capacity of nonlinearly elastic bodies I. A. Brigadnov | 3-10 |
| Linear differential relations between solutions of the equations of Euler-Poisson-Darboux class A. V. Aksenov | 11-15 |
| Combined loading of layered composites B. E. Pobedrya | 16-23 |
| Averaging of linear problems in the mechanics of composites with nonperiodic inhomogeneities V. I. Gorbachev | 24-29 |
| Nonlinear equations of plane layer for three models of elastomer materials S. A. Kabrits, V. M. Mal'kov, and S. E. Mansurova | 30-37 |
| Rayleigh waves in isotropic media: Analytical solutions and approximations A. S. Grishin | 38-41 |
| An application of the fractional Green's function T. A. Surguladze | 42-48 |
| Some non-unidimensional problems in viscoplasticity: rigid zones and stability (a review) D. V. Georgievskii | 49-63 |
| Cyclic loading of elastic-plastic bodies in neutron flux A. G. Gorshkov, E. I. Starovoitov, and F. V. Yarovaya | 64-69 |
| To the problem of a crack on the elastic strip-half-plane interface V. M. Alexandrov and D. A. Pozharskii | 70-76 |
| An interface crack with bonds between the surfaces R. V. Goldstein and M. N. Perelmuter | 77-92 |
| Modeling of continuum fracture in an elastoviscoplastic material V. Yu. Kibardin and V. N. Kukudzhanov | 93-101 |
| Analysis of the influence of a surrounding medium on the long-term strength by using a probabilistic approach D. A. Kulagin and A. M. Lokoshchenko | 102-110 |
| Limit analysis of structures subjected to nonstationary dynamic excitations V. V. Bolotin and O. V. Trifonov | 111-118 |
| To a version of the theory of multilayer structures M. U. Nikabadze | 119-129 |
| A method for solving boundary-value problems in the mechanics of deformation of thin-walled structures Yu. I. Vinogradov, Yu. I. Klyuev, and I. F. Obraztsov | 130-136 |
| Stability of an orthotropic cylindrical shell with a filler subjected to external pressure V. P. Georgievskii and A. G. Tarasova | 137-142 |
| Natural frequencies of an elliptic plate with clamped edge L. D. Akulenko, S. V. Nesterov, and A. L. Popov | 143-148 |
| Steady-state vibration of curvilinear pipelines under local kinematic excitation V. A. Svetlitskii | 149-154 |
| Stability of motion of a rigid body spinned about its longitudinal axis in a resisting medium M. V. Shamolin | 155-158 |
| Interaction of a manipulation robot with spherical pendula I. R. Belousov, A. A. Boguslavsky, S. N. Emel'yanov, D. E. Okhotsimsky, A. K. Platonov, V. V. Sazonov, and S. M. Sokolov | 159-167 |
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