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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2001-1pp.77-92

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R. V. Goldstein and M. N. Perelmuter, "An interface crack with bonds between the surfaces," Mech. Solids. 36 (1), 77-92 (2001)
Year 2001 Volume 36 Number 1 Pages 77-92
Title An interface crack with bonds between the surfaces
Author(s) R. V. Goldstein (Moscow)
M. N. Perelmuter (Moscow)
Abstract A crack located at the interface between different materials is modeled taking into account regions in which the surfaces of the crack interact with each other. It is assumed that these regions are adjacent to the crack tip (in what follows, we refer to these regions as the end regions). The size of the end regions can be comparable with the size of the crack. The interaction between the surfaces of the crack in the end regions is modeled by bonds between these surfaces with a given law of deformation. The physical nature of these bonds and size of the end regions depend on the type of the materials and scale of the crack. The mechanisms of the interaction between the crack surfaces change depending on the distance from the crack tip. High stress concentration near the crack tip leads to the softening of the material surrounding the crack, causing the formation of microcracks, pores, and zones of plastic flow. The analysis of the conditions of equilibrium and development of the crack taking into account the interaction between its surfaces and formation of the softening zones leads to the model of a crack with an end region. In this region, the adhesive forces (bonds) act, which resist the crack opening. Such models were suggested in [1, 2] for brittle materials. The models of [3, 4] assumed the plastic flow in the end regions under the action of constant stress. In the case where the zones of action of adhesive forces are introduced, the total stress intensity factor (SIF), defined as the difference of the SIF due to the tensile forces and the SIF due to the compressive (adhesive) forces applied at the crack end region, is equal to zero. The size of the adhesion zone was assumed to be constant as the crack grows. G. I. Barenblatt [1, 2] assumed also that the size of this zone is much smaller than the size of the crack. Problems of the fracture mechanics were solved analytically and numerically in [5-7] on the basis of such models. In composite materials and structures consisting of various materials (for example, polymer and ceramics, polymer and metal), the deformation and fracture must be considered on various scale levels, beginning with the analysis of the local fracture at the interface between two components [8]. In such materials, the local fracture near a crack tip is accounted for by different mechanisms in different zones of the end region of the crack (multi-scale fracture). In the general case, the size of the end region changes as the crack grows and is not small in comparison with the characteristic size of the crack. For such materials, the models of a crack with the end region assume that the loads which resist the crack opening lead to the decrease in the SIF at the crack tip, but the total SIF is not zero [9, 10]. In accordance with these models, the problem of the limit equilibrium is solved by prescribing the law of deformation of the bonds in the end region of the crack and analyzing the stress state near the crack using an appropriate criterion of fracture. We assume that the law of deformation of the bonds is given (equations of deformation of the bonds are considered in [11-13] for various materials). The stress state in the end region of a crack was analyzed in the two-dimensional formulation in [14-17] for isotropic materials, in [18] for transversely isotropic materials, in [19] for orthotropic materials, and in [20] for isotropic axisymmetric domains with a circular crack. The three-dimensional problem for an isotropic body with a plane crack and linear elastic bonds was considered in [21]. The development of a crack at the interface between materials attended with the softening in the end region was simulated numerically in [22, 23] for the case where one of the materials undergoes the plastic deformation and in [24] for a crack between a viscoelastic and a rigid bodies.

In the present study, the equilibrium of a crack at the interface between materials is considered. The crack is subjected to external tensile loads and stresses in the bonds which resist the crack opening. This problem is reduced to the system of nonlinear singular integro-differential equations with the kernel of the Cauchy type. By solving this system, we determine the normal and tangential stresses in the bonds. The SIF at the crack tip are calculated taking into account the bonds in the end region of the crack, the influence of which compensates for the external loads. We also consider the energy characteristics of a crack with the end region, such as the release rate of the strain energy and rate of absorption of the energy by bonds. The condition of the limit equilibrium of a crack with the end region is stated taking into account the criterion of limit stretching of bonds. The parametric analysis of the force and energy characteristics of the crack as functions of the size of the end region and physical and mechanical parameters of the bonds is carried out.
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Received 12 October 2000
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