Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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Guidelines for Authors

Guidelines version at February 2024

Template and License agreement
Template as doc: MechSolids_enTemplate-ver2021_10.doc
Template as pdf: MechSolids_enTemplate-ver2021_10.pdf
License agreement: MTT_Copyright_Transfer_Agreement_2024.docx
Submit article
The editorial board of the journal recommends submitting articles through the electronic publishing system:
(only Google Chrome 60+, Chromium 60+, Safari 11+ Microsoft Edge 98+, Yandex 22+ or Opera 87+)

In case revised manuscript, it is mandatory to include in the revised submission a clear and detailed point-by-point reply letter addressing the reviewers' comments. Without such a reply, the article will not be considered.
  1. General Statement
  2. Manuscript Structure
  3. Format of the Manuscript
  4. Files for Submitting an Article

1.  General Statement

Mechanics of Solids is the leading Russian journal (the English translation of Izvestiya RAN, Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela) for the publication of theoretical, computational, and applied research in the general areas of dynamics of particles and rigid bodies and the mechanics of deformable solids, and methods of continuous media in biomechanics.

Manuscripts can be submitted from any country in the Russian or English language. As a rule, the length of the full paper should be restricted by 20 pages and include not more than 10 figures.

When submitting a manuscript to Mechanics of Solids, the authors guarantee that it has not been published either in the original or in translation to or from other languages and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

For an article to be published, the authors should submit the manuscript together with the completed, signed, and scanned copyright transfer agreement (MTT_Copyright_Transfer_Agreement_2024.docx), which comes into force if the manuscript is accepted for publication. All manuscripts submitted for publication will be examined by anonymous peer reviewers.

If the manuscript is returned to the authors for revision, the revised manuscript should be resubmitted within two months. After two months, the manuscript is considered a new submission. In a cover letter, the authors should describe changes made in the revised version and reply to all of the peer reviewer's comments. Upon acceptance, no changes are allowed in the manuscript. If the original article is written in English, than it can be translated into Russian and published simultaneously in the Izvestiya RAN, Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela (in Russian) and in Mechanics of Solids (in English).

2. Manuscript Structure

The editorial board of the journal recommends submitting articles through the electronic publishing system:

The following elements of a manuscript article are mandatory:

  • The manuscript title as specific and informative as possible.
  • The list of all authors. The corresponding author should be indicated.
  • Affiliations of all authors, postal address (please indicate the city, country, and zip code), and e-mail addresses. If the authors of the article have different affiliations, then it must be clear which affiliation belongs to which author. The e-mail address of the corresponding author is mandatory, because the proofs are sent to the authors only via e-mail. If there is only one author, it is advisable to indicate an alternative e-mail address. We recommend that this second e-mail account be accessible outside of the author's office. If there are several authors, it is advisable to indicate e-mail addresses of two or three authors who check their mail regularly.
  • The abstract. The abstract must contain at least 200 words. The abstract should not contain references to other works. The more informative and detailed, the better chance that the article is found, read, and cited, because every abstract is used by numerous abstracting/indexing services.
  • The main text. The manuscript should be uniform in terms of terminology. It is inadvisable to vary terminology: the text may become more varied but misleading. The authors should use unified notation, units of measure, and nomenclature. Abbreviations, except for common ones, should be avoided wherever possible. If an abbreviation is used, it should be explained in the text on first mention.
  • References. The list of references should not be redundant, but it should be kept in mind that when you cite other authors, you increase the probability that your article will be read and cited as well, because many people search for articles that cite their own works. Accurate references raise the value of your article. Citations of recent sources is strongly encouraged, and citing old works, dissertation theses, deposited manuscripts, proceedings of conferences, and other difficult-to-access literature should be avoided whenever possible. The authors are recommended to avoid the excessive self-citing: as a rule, the number of self-citations should not be greater than 15% of the total list of references.

In the absence of one or more of the aforementioned elements, the manuscript will not be accepted.

3. Format of the Manuscript

All pages of the manuscript should be numbered, including the list of references, tables, and the list of figure captions. Equations, schemes, tables, figures, and references cited are numbered in the order of appearance in the text.

3.1. Main Text

  • The text can be presented in the Microsoft Word format. Standard TrueType fonts (e.g., Times New Roman) should be used. The preferred editor for mathematical equations is Equation Editor or MathType.
  • Manual line breaks should be used only at the end of a paragraph.
  • Physical units and designations accepted by the International System of Units (SI) should be used.
  • All superscripts and subscripts should be explained in the text.
  • In formulas, only Latin and Greek letters should be used.
  • Vector quantities (such as vF, or B) should be typed in boldface without an upper arrow. Scalar quantities (such as rn, or T) should be typed in italic.
  • The greek letters and mathematical functions (sin 2x, cos ωt, lim, log, max, exp, erf, etc.) are typed in roman.

3.2. Tables

Tables are numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. The title should follow the table number, at the head of the table. All columns in tables (and the tables themselves) should have headings and be separated by vertical lines. Abbreviations in tables are not permitted. Please do not create tables using manual tabs and multiple spaces; use special tools of the text editor for creating tables.

3.3. Illustrations

Illustrations are published as black-and-white grey-scale images in the print version of the journal. Color illustrations may appear in the online version. Please make sure that automatic conversion of a color image into grey scale will not change the content of the image and that there is no reference to colors in the figure caption or in the main text. Each figure should have a caption. The figures are numbered consecutively in the order they appear in the text. If illustrations are included in one file together with the text, each illustration should be duplicated in a separate file as well. All captions to figures are grouped and listed on a separate page. When preparing illustrations, please consider the following requirements:

  • Illustrations prepared in commonly used graphics packages (CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, FreeHand, etc.) can be submitted in encapsulated postscript (EPS) format. The recommended width of a graph is not more than 15–17 cm. The JPEG format is allowed only for photographs. For graphs, the vector formats EPS, WMF, EMF, and raster formats TIFF, BMP, and PNG with not less then 300 dpi are recommended.
  • The files with figures should be entitled: Name of the first author and the number of figure.

3.4. References

The requirements for the list of references are as follows:

  • The section is titled REFERENCES.
  • All references should be given in the English language and numbered (languages that use non-Latin symbols should be written in Latin transliteration).
  • All references should be numbered consecutively in the order they appear in the text. Reference numbers in the text should be in square brackets.
  • The references should be numbered in the order of their citation in the text. Within the text, references should appear as consecutive numbers in square brackets (e.g., [1]). It is recommended that each item contain a reference to only one publication.
  • The reference must cite the initials and surnames of all authors.
  • In references to proceedings of conferences, seminars, etc., it is necessary to give the complete title of the meeting and indicate the city/year where/when it was held (exact dates are superfluous). The editors' names, publishing house, and year of publication are optional.
  • References to laboratory reports (preprints) should not contain abbreviations or acronyms for the names of laboratories or agencies; spell them out.
  • Two or more references must not have one number and one reference must not appear under different numbers.

Reference format is as follows:


1. A. I. Murdoch, "Some fundamental aspects of surface modeling," J. Elast. 80, 33–52 (2005). doi:10.1007/s10659-005-9024-2
2. M. K. Slifka and J. L. Whitton, "Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production," J. Mol. Med. 78, 74–80 (2000). doi:10.1007/s001090000086
3. V. P. Bobkov, V. N. Vinogradov, and D. Grenevel'd, "The 1995's lookup table for calculating critical heat flux in tubes," Therm. Eng., No. 10, 43–52 (1997).
4. C. Vallieres, D. Winkelmann, D. Roizard, et al., E. Favrea, P. Scharferb, and M. Kindb, "On Schroeder's paradox," J. Membrane Sci. 278, 357–364 (2006). doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2005.11.020
5. K. Martinez, J. L. Perez, O. Agudo, et al., "The 1995's Lookup Table for Calculating Critical Heat Flux in Tubes," Intensive Care Med. 23 (Suppl. 1), 248 (1997).
6. M. K. Slifka and J. L. Whitton, "Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production," Online J. Mol. 78 (2000). doi:10.1007/s001090000086

Author's initials go before the surname with a space between the initials. Use and between the last two authors. All authors listed in the original reference should be cited. If more than four authors, the three first authors are cited after that should be printed et. al.

The name of the journal is written in the standard CASSI-abbreviated form in plain text instead of italics.

The volume number follows the journal title in bold without a preceding comma and without the word vol.

If the page numbering is continuous throughout the volume, the issue number is not indicated. In this case, the first page number of the article follows the volume number separated by a comma but without the word p. If the page numbering is not continuous, the issue number is written in parentheses in plain text following the volume number with a comma placed after the issue number, followed by the page number. In both cases, the year of publication follows the page number in parentheses.

If the volume number is missing, the issue number is indicated instead as shown by the following example:

J. Appl. Phys., No. 12, 5151 (1973).


1. L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Course of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 7: Theory of Elasticity (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1970).
2. L. S. Briks, Electron Probe Microanalysis, 2nd ed. (Wiley, New York, 1971).
3. C. M. Savage, S. Markensteiner, and P. Zoller, "Atomic waveguides and cavities from hollow optical fibres," in Fundamentals of Quantum Optics III, Ed. by S. Eklotzky (Springer, Berlin, 1993), Vol. 1, Chap. 2, pp. 123–145.

Author's initials go before the surname with a space between the initials. Use and between the last two authors. All authors listed in the original reference should be cited.

The title of the book is written in italics.

Any subsequent edition after the first edition is mentioned following the title.

The publication information follows the title (and edition) in parentheses in the order publisher, city, year. The publisher's name is generally written in a standard shortened form. If the publisher lists more than one city, give only the first.

Volume number (Vol.), part number (Part), chapter number (Chap.), and page numbers (pp.) follow the publication information.

Proceedings, Conference Papers:

1. B. L. Altshuler and B. D. Simons, "Mesoscopic quantum physics," in Proceedings of Les-Houches Summer School, Session LXI, 1994, Åd. by E. Akkerman, G. Montambaux, J-L. Pichard, and J. Zinn-Justin (Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 1995), pp. 15–45.
2. Yu. Ts. Oganessian et al., in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Fusion Dynamics at the Extremes, Dubna, Russia, 2000, Ed. by Yu. Ts. Oganessian and V. I. Zagrebaev (World Sci., Singapore, 2001), p. 167.

Author's Name, "Title of Paper," in Name of Meeting or Conference, City, year, Ed. by (Editor's Name), (publisher, city, year), Vol. X (volume number), Iss. X (issue number), pp. xxxx–xxxx (page number(s)). doi:XXXX.YYYY/ZZZZ


1. W. J. Thompson and D. R. Albert, U.S. Patent No. 7 430 020 (3 March 1975).
2. K. Takhira, T. Hayakawa, and T. Isikawa, JP Appl. No. 58-144345 (1984).

Doctoral thesis:

1. G. Benayoun, PhD Thesis (Univ. Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, 2001).


1. J. Doe, "Title of subordinate document," The Dictionary of Substances and Their Effects, Royal Society of Chemistry. of subordinate document. Cited January 17, 1999.
2. Healthwise Knowledgebase, US Pharmacopeia, Rockville. Cited September, 21, 1998.
3. ISSN International Centre, Global ISSN database. Cited February 20, 2000.

4. Files for Submitting an Article

  • Files with the text of the article, drawn up in accordance with these Rules in Microsoft Word format.
  • Files with illustrations (only EPS, WMF, EMF, TIFF, PNG, BMP, JPEG formats are allowed), for example fig1.tif, fig2.tif and so on. If the illustration consists of several sub-figures, for example, Fig.1, consists of 2 sub-figures a and b, then Fig.1, a and Fig.1,b should be embedded in the fig1.tif file.
  • Scanned signed by all authors (or separate agreements of each of the co-authors) License Agreement (text of the agreement: see MTT_Copyright_Transfer_Agreement_2024.docx).
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Founders: Russian Academy of Sciences, Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS
© Mechanics of Solids
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