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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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IssuesArchive of Issues2001-1pp.102-110

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D. A. Kulagin and A. M. Lokoshchenko, "Analysis of the influence of a surrounding medium on the long-term strength by using a probabilistic approach," Mech. Solids. 36 (1), 102-110 (2001)
Year 2001 Volume 36 Number 1 Pages 102-110
Title Analysis of the influence of a surrounding medium on the long-term strength by using a probabilistic approach
Author(s) D. A. Kulagin (Moscow)
A. M. Lokoshchenko (Moscow)
Abstract The long-term fracture of metals subjected to combined action of mechanical loads and a corrosive surrounding medium is modeled. Rabotnov's kinetic theory is used, which takes into account two parameters-damage of a material and concentration of chemical elements of the surrounding medium in the material. A rod subjected to tension is considered as an example. The long-term strength of this rod is investigated by using a probabilistic model. In accordance with this model, a thin rod is composed of a large number of closely packed plates. It is assumed that the probability of fracture of these plates depends on the stress state and concentration of the elements of the surrounding medium in the material of the rod. An approximate solution to the diffusion equation is suggested. This solution is obtained by dividing the cross section into the perturbed and unperturbed regions and determining the motion of the interface between these regions. This approximation is shown to provide high degree of accuracy. The system of kinetic equations obtained is used for the analysis of the scale effect of the long-term strength. A version of Rabotnov's kinetic model is suggested. This version takes into account the influence of the surrounding medium on the long-term strength of metals. An example of using this approach is presented.
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Received 12 July 1999
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