Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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Archive of Issues

Total articles in the database: 12854
In Russian (Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. ÌÒÒ): 8044
In English (Mech. Solids): 4810

Volume: 57 • Number: 2 • Year: 2022 • Total articles: 21<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
Table of Contents
On Theory of Oriented Tensor Elements of Area for a Micropolar Continuum Immersed in an External Plane Space
E. V. Murashkin and Yu. N. Radaev
On the Optimization of the Kinematic Scheme for Shaping thin Elastoplastic Coverings
K. S. Bormotin, A. A. Burenin, and A. A. Krivenok
Modeling of Non-Stationary Creep Processes Under Multiple Loading Conditions by Taking Into Account Damage Accumulation in a Structural Material
I. A. Volkov, L. A. Igumnov, D. N. Shishulin, and E. V. Boev
Asymptotic Theory of Wave Processes in Shells of Revolution under Surface Impact and Normal End Actions
I. V. Kirillova and L. Yu. Kossovich
Wave Processes in Viscoelastic Topographic Waveguides
A. O. Vatulyan and L. I. Parinova
Method for Calculating Relaxation of Residual Stresses in a Surface-Hardened Rotating RodUnder Creep Conditions with Constraints on Linear and Angular Displacements
V. P. Radchenko, V. V. Tsvetkov, and M. N. Saushkin
Evolutionary Model of Fatigue Fracture Under Irregular Loading
D. S. Petukhov and I. E. Keller
Problem on Torsion of Rods Made of a Hardening Material Under the Action of Variable External Pressure Using a Linearized Plasticity Condition
B. G. Mironov and Yu. B. Mironov
Influence of the Model of the Behavior of a thin Adhesion Layer on the Value of the J-Integral
V. V. Glagolev and A. A. Markin
On Quasi-Static Deformation of an Elastic Supported Strip Under Compression
N. V. Minaeva, A. I. Shashkin, and E. E. Aleksandrova
Problems of the Mechanics of Polymer Gels with Unilateral Constraints
E. Ya. Denisyuk
Comparison of the Behavior for Light and Solids when Moving in Deformable Media
Yu. K. Bivin
Application of the Conjugate Gradient Method to Solving Discrete Contact Problems for an Elastic Half-Plane
A. A. Bobylev
Optimal Suspension System for Modal Beam Testing with Ultra-Low Elastic Oscillation Frequencies
V. A. Buzhinskiy and S. Yu. Gaev
Investigations on Stress Relaxation Behavior of Structural Planes Using Shear Tests
H. Zhang, C. H. Gao, and J. Q. Wang
Effects of Combined Loadings on the Bearing Performance of a Typical Pile Foundation
J. Jin, Y. Liu, F. X. Liu, and Y. F. Wang
Study of Axial Symmetric Waves in Double Porosity Borehole Containing Fluid
D. Venkanna, M. Venugopal, and P. Malla Reddy
An Anisotropic Finite Strain Viscoelastic Model Considering Different Spin Effects on the Intermediate Configuration
ChunYu Meng and MingXiang Chen
Elastic Wave Reflection/Transmission in Non-Homogeneous Magneto-Electro-Elastic Nanoplates Based on the Modified Couple Stress Theory
Chuang Yang, Jiangong Yu, Cancan Liu, and Bo Zhang
On the Dynamic Buckling of a Pre – Statically Loaded Cubic Elastic Model Structure Struck by a Slowly Varing Explicitly Time Dependent Load
A. M. Ette, G. E. Ozoigbo, J. U. Chukwuchekwa, W. I. Osuji, and A. C. Osuji
Petal Failure Models of Thin Aluminum Alloy Plate Penetrated by Conical Projectile Nose
Yuntao Li, Jingdong Zhao, Hong Liu, and Zhijun Zhao
Volume: 57 • Number: 2 • Year: 2022 • Total articles: 21<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
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