| | Mechanics of Solids A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544 Online ISSN 1934-7936 |
Archive of Issues
Total articles in the database: | | 12949 |
In Russian (Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. ÌÒÒ): | | 8096
In English (Mech. Solids): | | 4853 |
| Table of Contents | |
| Using the Hereditary form of Constitutive Relations for Viscosity in the Description of the Processes of Cyclic High-Temperature Deformation of Metals Sharafutdinov G.Z. | 139-149 |
| Influence of Thermal Expansion in an Inhomogeneous Stationary Temperature Field on the Inhomogeneous Stress-Strain State of an Incompressible Elastomer Solid under Static Finite Deformations Zhukov B.A. | 150-161 |
| Spatial Bellows-Type (Sylphon) Construction Tarabrin G.T. | 162-170 |
| Analysis of the Action of Perturbations of Linear Resonant Systems with Two Degrees of Freedom Zhuravlev V.Ph. and Petrov A.G. | 171-178 |
| Ice Cover Modeling in Predicting the Interaction of Ships and Offshore Structures with Ice Gramuzov E.M., Dvoichenko Yu.A., Zuev V.A., and Sebin A.S. | 179-188 |
| Perforation of Layered Structures by a Spherical Rigid Body Banichuk N.V., Ivanova S.Yu., and Osipenko K.Yu. | 189-196 |
| Dynamic Control of Compound Structure with Links of Variable Length Borisov A.V., Kaspirovich I.E., and Mukharlyamov R.G. | 197-210 |
| Train Starting Equation Popov I.P. | 211-219 |
| Mathematical Modeling of the Amplitude of Transverse Vibrations of Homogeneous Rods under Longitudinal Impact Bityurin A.A. | 220-229 |
| Analysis of Stress Concentration with a Controlled Error in Thin-Walled Structures (Transport and Launch Container) Vinogradov Yu.I. | 230-241 |
| Problem on Optimizing the Motion of an Elastic Tracking Manipulator Gevorgyan H.A. | 242-249 |
| Autorotation Modes of Double-Rotor Darrieus Wind Turbine Dosaev M.Z., Klimina L.A., Lokshin B.Ya., Selyutskiy Yu.D., and Shalimova E.S. | 250-262 |
| Representation of Displacements in a Spatial Harmonic Problem of the Theory of Elasticity Using Two Screw Vectors Radaev Yu.N. | 263-270 |
| On the Stress-Strain State of a Stochastically Inhomogeneous Thick-Walled Pipe Minaeva N.V. and Sabynin D.V. | 271-277 |
| Novel Manipulability for Parallel Mechanisms with Prismatic-Revolute Actuators, GA-DP Trajectory Planning Application Badrikouhi M. and Bamdad M. | 278-291 |
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