Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

Russian Russian English English About Journal | Issues | Guidelines | Editorial Board | Contact Us

Archive of Issues

Total articles in the database: 12854
In Russian (Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. ÌÒÒ): 8044
In English (Mech. Solids): 4810

Volume: 56 • Number: 1 • Year: 2021 • Total articles: 12<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
Table of Contents
Flat Dynamics of a Homogeneous Parallelepiped with Dry Friction
Zhuravlev V.Ph.
Modified Theory of Plasticity for Monotonic and Cyclic Deformation Processes
Abashev D.R. and Bondar V.S.
Controlling the Spatial Motion of a Rigid Body Using Biquaternions and Dual Matrices
Chelnokov Yu.N.
Circular Dislocations in an Anisotropic Medium: Specific Energy and Stress Fields
Kuznetsov S.V.
Stability Criterion for Stationary Solutions of the Equations of a Multi-Current Model of a Synchronous Gyroscope in a Gimbal. 2
Konosevich B.I. and Konosevich Yu.B.
Classical and Multi-Level Constitutive Models for Describing the Behavior of Metals and Alloys: Problems and Prospects (as a Matter for Discussion)
Trusov P.V.
Objective Tensors and Their Mappings in Classical Continuum Mechanics
Brovko G.L.
Modern Methods of Celestial Mechanics
Bryuno A.D.
Investigation of the Influence of Elastic Dissipative Parameters of the Under Wing Pylon-Mounted Engine Suspension on Aeroelastic and Strength Characteristics of the Aircraft
Ovchinnikov V.V. and Petrov Yu.V.
Applying the Jonson-Cook Model in a Computational and Experimental Study on the Impact Interaction of Punchers with Homogenous and Compositional Plates
Gavrilov E.V., Gorely N.A., Kulakov N.A., and Panichenko I.V.
Numerical Method of Discontinuous Displacements in Spatial Problems of Fracture Mechanics
Zvyagin A.V., Luzhin A.A., Panfilov D.I., and Shamina A.A.
Exponential Stability of Laminated Beams with Interfacial Slip
Tijani A. Apalara
Volume: 56 • Number: 1 • Year: 2021 • Total articles: 12<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
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