| | Mechanics of Solids A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544 Online ISSN 1934-7936 |
Archive of Issues
Total articles in the database: | | 13011 |
In Russian (Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. ÌÒÒ): | | 8096
In English (Mech. Solids): | | 4915 |
| Table of Contents | |
| On the Occasion of V. N. Kukudzhanov's Eightieth Birthday
| 811-813 |
| A Model of Thermoelectroplasticity of Variations in the Mechanical Properties of Metals Based on Defect Structure Reorganization under the Action of Pulse Electric Current V.N. Kukudzhanov and A.V. Kolomiets-Romanenko | 814-827 |
| Models of Multiaxial Fatigue Fracture and Service Life Estimation of Structural Elements N.G. Bourago, A.B. Zhuravlev, and I.S. Nikitin | 828-838 |
| Constitutive Relations for Calculating the Processes of Quasistatic Deformation, Damage, and Fracture of Bodies (Including Those with Concentrators) Made of Filled Polymer Materials D.L. Bykov, D.N. Konovalov, and V.A. Peleshko | 839-855 |
| Influence of Plastic Anisotropy on Predictions of Some Engineering Approaches in Fracture Mechanics S.E. Aleksandrov and R.V. Goldstein | 856-862 |
| Universal Deformations of Growing Solids S.A. Lychev | 863-876 |
| On Stability of Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells S.N. Kukudzhanov | 877-887 |
| One-Dimensional Models of a Beam Made of an Anisotropic Material with Oblique Anisotropy P.E. Tovstik and T.P. Tovstik | 888-897 |
| Nonlinear Dispersion Properties of High-Frequency Waves in the Gradient Theory of Elasticity V.S. Shorkin | 898-912 |
| Modeling of Contact-Fatigue Damage Accumulation in a Two-Layer Half-Space with Incomplete Adhesion between the Layers E.V. Torskaya | 913-921 |
| A Nonlinear Creep Model Based on the Concept of Slip A.M. Simonyan | 922-928 |
| Heat Conduction Problem for a Growing Ball S.I. Kuznetsov, A.V. Manzhirov, and I. Fedotov | 929-936 |
| Statement of the Problem of Intraocular Pressure Measurement Modeling by a Pneumotonometric Method V.L. Yakushev | 937-945 |
| Flexural Vibration of a Square Plate Clamped along Its Contour S.V. Nesterov | 946-951 |
| Finite Element Models in Lamb's Problem A.V. Kravtsov, S.V. Kuznetsov, and S.Ya. Sekerzh-Zen'kovich | 952-959 |
| A Dynamic Model of Diurnal Irregularity in the Nonrigid Earth Rotation V.V. Perepelkin | 960-968 |
| Author Index to Volume 46, 2011
| 969-973 |
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