| | Mechanics of Solids A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544 Online ISSN 1934-7936 |
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<< Previous article | Volume 46, Issue 6 / 2011 | Next article >> |
"On the Occasion of V. N. Kukudzhanov's Eightieth Birthday," Mech. Solids. 46 (6), 811-813 (2011) |
Year |
2011 |
Volume |
46 |
Number |
6 |
Pages |
811-813 |
10.3103/S002565441106001X |
Title |
On the Occasion of V. N. Kukudzhanov's Eightieth Birthday |
Author(s) |
Abstract |
On October 4, 2011, Vladimir Nikolaevich Kukudzhanov,
Doctor of Sciences in physics and mathematics, Professor, and an Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, celebrated his 80th birthday. Vladimir Nikolaevich is a Foreign Member of the International Academy of the Republic of Armenia and a Principal Researcher in the Laboratory of Modeling in Solid Mechanics of the A. Yu. Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Professor Kukudzhanov has made a significant contribution to the development of many fields of solid mechanics such as dynamics of inelastic media, theory of nonlinear waves, theory of constitutive equations, continuum thermodynamics, numerical simulation of problems of solid mechanics, theory of finite elements, mesomechanics of fracture of elastoplastic materials.
He is the author of more than 250 scientific papers
including eight monographs and teaching manuals (see http://ipmnet.ru/~kukudz).
Professor Kukudzhanov has obtained fundamental results in the field of nonstationary processes in solid bodies under the action of intensive thermomechanical and electrodynamic loads at high rates of loading and finite elastoplastic deformations with material damage and fracture taken into account. He has investigated the laws of nonlinear wave propagation in elastoplastic and elastoviscoplastic media with defects and material microstructure, microstress relaxation, and the nonlocal character of plastic flows taken into account.
An extensive series of papers by V. N. Kukudzhanov has been devoted to
the development of numerical and numerical-analytic methods of continuum mechanics. In particular, in several papers,
he developed an asymptotic method for solving initial-boundary value problems for singularly perturbed systems
of hyperbolic equations and used this method to study the problems on the structure of shock waves and localization strips under quasistatic and dynamic loading and to investigate ill-posed statements of initial-boundary value problems for softening materials. He developed the spatial characteristics methods providing accuracy up to the first and second order, numerical methods for solving stiff hyperbolic systems of equations, several variants of the finite-element method in which the singularities are separated and the asymptotic properties of solutions are taken into account, a method of direct numerical simulation of applied problems of fracture in which structure defects are taken into account. Moreover, a long series of papers deals with the development of the method of splitting of elastoplastic problems with complicated plasticity conditions. On the basis of this method, he proposed an effective numerical-analytical method for integrating constitutive equations, which permits one to decrease the computation time significantly.
Along with fundamental research, V. N. Kukudzhanov has actively worked in application areas. The methods of numerical simulation of elastoplastic bodies under large deformations on arbitrarily moving adapting meshes and the particle methods, developed by him, were used to model the process of jet formation in cumulative projectiles in problems of piercing through multilayer barriers and problems of the formation of bodies of a given shape. The developed packages of applied programs were implemented in specialized research institutes and design departments.
In 1990, the Council of Ministers of the USSR awarded V. N. Kukudzhanov a prize for his achievements in mechanics.
Under V. N. Kukudzhanov's scientific supervision, his colleagues and partners have investigated the influence of electromagnetic and thermal fields on the plastic properties of materials by theoretical and experimental methods, suggested a new model of thermoelectroplasticity and developed, on its basis, new methods of treatment of hard-to-deform conducting materials in pulse electromagnetic fields, allowing to improve the plastic properties of materials. In cooperation with aircraft industry companies, the electroplastic effect has been developed and introduced in the technological processes of treatment of materials made of hard-to-deform alloys and composites.
Professor Kukudzhanov consulted applied research into the development of methods for calculating large telescope mirrors, optimal design of aircraft, and the development of methods for mathematical modeling of technological processes of metal forming.
In the recent years, V. N. Kukudzhanov has been actively working in the field of fracture mesomechanics of elastoplastic materials. Based on the synthesis of the concepts of defect micromechanics and phenomenological theory of damage accumulation, he proposed a new model of dynamic deformation, damage, and fracture of elastoplastic materials and applied it to studying the process of plastic strain localization in separation strips and adiabatic shear in the prefracture state. He has also developed methods for numerical simulation of fracture processes in elastoplastic bodies and structures under quasistatic and dynamic loading.
Professor Kukudzhanov's work is widely known in Russia and abroad. He has published a large number of papers in international journals, his latest monograph "Computational Continuum Mechanics" is now being translated into English by the De Gruyter publishing house for the book series "Mathematical Physics." V. N. Kukudzhanov has many times been invited to lecture at leading international scientific centers and universities.
Professor Kukudzhanov devotes much time and energy to the education of young scientists in the field of mechanics.
For nearly 40 years he has been Professor of the Chair of Continuum Mechanics and the Chair of Applied Mechanics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) and nearly 20 years, Professor of the Chair of Physics at MATI, the Russian State University of Aviation Technology, Moscow, where he organized and delivered lecture courses in various fields of mechanics, numerical simulation, and numerical methods of continuum mechanics. The scientific school created by V. N. Kukudzhanov fruitfully works in many fields of science and technology. Twenty-one of his pupils received their Ph.D.\ degrees and seven pupils defended their D.Sc.\ theses under his scientific supervision. For several years, V. N. Kukudzhanov served as a member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) of the Russian Federation (in mathematics and mechanics) and a member of a number of Scientific Councils in mechanics and computational mathematics.
Professor Kukudzhanov carries out extensive scientific-organizational work both in the Russian Academy of Sciences and internationally. He is a member of the National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of Russia, and Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Council of Solid Mechanics. He was a member of the General Council of the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) in 1990-2004 and a member of the Executive Council of the European Mechanics Society (EUROMECH) in 1995-1999.
Professor Kukudzhanov actively participates in the organization of numerous scientific congresses, conferences, and symposia in the Russian Federation and abroad. He is a member of the editorial boards of the Russian journals Izvestiya RAN. Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela (Mechanics of Solids), Problemy Prochnosti i Plastichnosti (Problems of Material Strength and Plasticity), and Vychislitel'naya Mekhanika Sploshnykh Sred (Computational Continuum Mechanics), and the international journal Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures. He also was a member of the editorial boards of the international journals Impact Engineering and Archives of Mechanics.
The editorial board and the editorial staff of the journal
Izvestiya RAN. Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela as well as his colleagues and pupils cordially congratulate Vladimir Nikolaevich on his 80th Birthday and are wishing him strong health and many new creative achievements.
1. V. N. Kukudzhanov,
Propagation of Elastoplastic Waves in a Rod
with the Strain Rate Influence Taken into Account
(VTs AN SSSR, Moscow, 1967)
[in Russian].
2. V. N. Kukudzhanov,
Numerical Solutions of Non-One-Dimensional Problems
of Stress Wave Propagation in Solids,
in Reports in Applied Mathematics
(VTs AN SSSR, Moscow, 1976), No. 6
[in Russian].
3. V. N. Kukudzhanov,
One-Dimensional Problems of Stress Wave Propagation in Rods,
in Reports in Applied Mathematics
(VTs AN SSSR, Moscow, 1977), No. 7
[in Russian].
4. V. N. Kukudzhanov,
Numerical Methods for Solving Nonlinear Problems of Solid Mechanics,
Teaching manual, State Committee of Science and Higher School
(MFTI, Moscow, 1990)
[in Russian].
5. V. N. Kukudzhanov,
Difference Methods for Solving Problems of Mechanics of Deformable Media,
Teaching manual, Ministry of Science and Higher School of the Russian Federation
(MFTI, Moscow, 1992)
[in Russian].
6. V. N. Kukudzhanov,
Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics,
Course of Lectures, Teaching manual
(Tsiolkovskii MATI-RGTU, Moscow, 2006)
[in Russian].
7. V. N. Kukudzhanov,
Computer Simulation of Deformation, Damage, and Fracture
of Nonelastic Materials and Structures,
Teaching manual
(MFTI, Moscow, 2008)
[in Russian].
8. V. N. Kukudzhanov,
Computational Continuum Mechanics
(Izdat. Fiz.-Mat. Liter., Moscow, 2008)
[in Russian]. |
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