Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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Archive of Issues

Total articles in the database: 13011
In Russian (Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. ÌÒÒ): 8096
In English (Mech. Solids): 4915

Volume: 56 • Number: 5 • Year: 2021 • Total articles: 19<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
Table of Contents
Experimental Studies of the Deformation, Destruction and Filtration in Rocks: A Review
Karev V.I., Khimulia V.V., and Shevtsov N.I.
Modeling of Viscoelastic-Viscoplastic Behavior of Flexible Reinforced Plates
Yankovskii A.P.
Controlling the Shape of Laminated Composite Plates with Piezoelectric Patches under Thermal Loading Based on the Reference Surface Method
Kulikov G.M. and Plotnikova S.V.
Usage of a Combined Criterion of Quality in the Dynamic Problem on Optimal Rotation of a Solid (Spacecraft) with a Constraint Imposed on the Phase Variables
Levskii M.V.
On the Calculation of Nonlinear Buckling of a Bar
Anakhaev K.N.
Calculation of the Shaping of a Space Umbrella Antenna During Strong Bending of Radial Rods Connected Along Parallels by Tensile Cables
Russkikh S.V. and Shklyarchuk F.N.
Theoretical Aspects of the Application of Pochhammer-Chree Waves to the Problems of Determining the Dynamic Poisson's Ratio
Gadzhibekov T.A. and Ilyashenko A.V.
Trajectories of Plane Motion of a Body of Rotation in a Medium
Osipenko K.Yu.
Dynamic Analysis of the Steady State Oscillations of the Earth's Pole
Perepelkin V.V., Skorobogatykh I.V., and Myo Zaw Aung
Steady Motions of a Symmetric Isosceles Tetrahedron in a Central Force Field
Burov A.A. and Nikonova E.A.
Axisymmetric wave Propagation in Functionally Grade Cylinder with Isotropic and Transversely Isotropic Concentric Layers
Shatalov M., Murashkin E., Mahamood R.M., Mkolesia A., Skhosana P., and Davhana M.
Comparison between two constitutive equations based on high temperature creep test of GH3128
Sui Y.H., Zhang X.Z., and Xu D.F.
Dispersion Analysis of Torsional Waves in a Corrugated Monoclinic Crystal Medium Cladded with a Void-Type Porous Layer and Viscous-Sandy Substrate
Pati P., Gupta S., and Mandi A.
The Emerging of Stress Triaxiality and Lode Angle in Both Solid and Damage Mechanics: A Review
Algarni M., Ghazali S., and Zwawi M.
Analysis of Love Waves in Pre-Stressed Layer Sandwiched between Dry Sandy Layer and Couple Stress Substrate
Deep S. and Sharma V.
Exemplification in Exact and Approximate Secular Equation of Surface Wave Along Distinct Interfaces with Sliding Contact
Gupta S., Pramanik S., and Smita
New Fractional Order Model of Thermoporoelastic Theory for a Half Space Saturated with Fluid
Hussein E.M.
Bifurcation and chaos of functionally graded carbon nanotube reinforced composite cylindrical shell with piezoelectric layer
Jinhua Yang, Gaofeng Sun, and Guo Fu
Design and Optimization of a Linear Piezoelectric Motor using Response Surface Method
Zemirline A., El Hadj A.A., Rahim S.Z.B., and Ouali M.
Volume: 56 • Number: 5 • Year: 2021 • Total articles: 19<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
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