Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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IssuesArchive of Issues2001-3pp.74-80

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O. Yu. Dinariev and V. N. Nikolaevskii, "On acoustic resonances in layered media," Mech. Solids. 36 (3), 74-80 (2001)
Year 2001 Volume 36 Number 3 Pages 74-80
Title On acoustic resonances in layered media
Author(s) O. Yu. Dinariev (Moscow)
V. N. Nikolaevskii (Moscow)
Abstract It is known that an elastic body of finite size has countably many modes of free vibrations whose frequencies have a limit point at infinity. Being placed in a certain infinite medium, this elastic body may lose its spectrum of free vibrations, in general. However, in many cases, it is possible to single out free vibration modes for finite inhomogeneities in an infinite medium and there is an effect of decaying modes due to the radiation to infinite space, while the corresponding eigenfrequencies acquire imaginary parts. In this situation, free vibrations are called acoustic resonances. The branch of acoustics dedicated to the investigation of these phenomena is called acoustic spectroscopy or resonance acoustic spectroscopy [1].

Basic concepts and mathematical techniques of the theory of acoustic resonances are mostly borrowed from quantum mechanics [2], where much effort has been applied to the study of resonances.

The present paper contains a number of theoretical and numerical results concerning resonances in layered elastic media. The medium is initially assumed infinite, so that the results of our investigation can be applied to bodies whose total dimension is much larger than the characteristic dimension of the inhomogeneity. This approach makes sense for many seismic problems.
1.  N. D. Veksler, Acoustic Spectroscopy [in Russian], Valgus, Tallinn, 1989.
2.  A. I. Baz', Ya. B. Zel'dovich, and A. M. Perelomov, Scattering, Reactions, and Decay in Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1966.
3.  L. M. Brekhovskikh and O. A. Godin, Acoustics of Layered Media [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1989.
4.  M. V. Fedoryuk, "Asymptotics of solutions of linear second order differential equations in complex region," in V. Vasov, Asymptotic Expansions of Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations [Russian translation], Mir, Moscow, 1968.
5.  L. Hörmander, Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators. Volume 1. Theory of Distributions and Fourier Analysis [Russian translation], Mir, Moscow, 1986.
6.  L. Meyer, "Seismic wave propagation in fractured media," in Mechanics of Jointed and Faulted Rock, pp. 29-38, Balkena, Rotterdam, 1998.
Received 25 March 1999
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