Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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IssuesArchive of Issues2024-5pp.2892-2905

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Xinze Guo, Shunyi Shi, and Kemin Zhou, "An Efficient Robust Optimization Method for Two-Bar Structures under Uncertain Loading," Mech. Solids. 59 (5), 2892-2905 (2024)
Year 2024 Volume 59 Number 5 Pages 2892-2905
DOI 10.1134/S0025654424604646
Title An Efficient Robust Optimization Method for Two-Bar Structures under Uncertain Loading
Author(s) Xinze Guo (Huaqiao University, College of Civil Engineering, Xiamen, China)
Shunyi Shi (Jiangsu Maritime Institute, College of Cruise and Art Design, Nanjing, China)
Kemin Zhou (Huaqiao University, College of Civil Engineering, Xiamen, China,
Abstract Uncertainty is omnipresent in manufacturing and engineering community. This paper develops an efficient robust optimization framework for a two-bar structural model under uncertain loading, which includes magnitude and direction uncertainty following Gaussian distribution. This framework aims to simultaneously minimize the expectancy and standard deviation of structural compliance with volume constraints. A reasonable and efficient estimation of the statistical moment of structural compliance is recognized the critical to the probability-based RTO problem. To address the computational challenges associated with high dimensionality in traditional surrogate models, a decoupling technique based on non-intrusive polynomial chaos expansion is developed. Such a numerical evaluation tool is generic for different types of structures. In addition, an analytical expression based on a two-bar structure is derived as a standard reference. The cross-sectional area and angle with horizontal direction of each bar are taken as design variables and optimization is achieved using the optimality criteria. Numerical examples demonstrate that the accuracy and efficiency of the reported algorithm are significantly improved compared to conventional methods such as polynomial chaos expansion and Monte Carlo simulation. The optimized designs prove a better robust performance than their counterparts.
Keywords uncertain load, two-bar structures, polynomial chaos expansion, robust, topology optimization
Received 15 February 2024Revised 22 March 2024Accepted 24 April 2024
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