Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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Archive of Issues

Total articles in the database: 13011
In Russian (Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. ÌÒÒ): 8096
In English (Mech. Solids): 4915

Volume: 59 • Number: 5 • Year: 2024 • Total articles: 42<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
Table of Contents
Relationship Between the Results of Analytical Solutions of Elasticity Theory Problems and of Stress State Optimization in the Vicinity Of Singular Points
A.Yu. Fedorov and V.P. Matveenko
On Nonstationary Contact Problems for Anisotropic Composites in Nonclassical Areas
V.A. Babeshko, O.V. Evdokimova, S.B. Uafa, V.S. Evdokimov, and O.M. Babeshko
On the Assembly of a Hot-Fit Elastic-Viscoplastic Disk with a Non-Circular Inclusion
A.A. Burenin and A.V. Tkacheva
Elliptic Boundary Layer in Shells of Revolution under Surface Shock Loading of Normal Type
I.V. Kirillova
Heat Production due to Creep Strains and Wall Viscoplastic Flow in the Plug Material in a Round Pipe under the Action of Variable Pressure Difference
L.V. Kovtanyuk, G.L. Panchenko, and E.O. Popova
Dynamic Bending of a Beam
V.V. Saurin
Electroelasticity of Disc Piezofibrous Actuator
A.A. Pan’kov
On The Influence of a Non-Classical Diffusion Process on the Long-Term Fracture of a Composite Tensile Rod During Creep
L.V. Fomin, A.A. Dalinkevich, and Yu.G. Basalov
Description of the Phenomenon of Decreasing Plasticity with Increasing Yield Strength of Polycrystal
V.Yu. Marina
Application of the Non-Incremental Approach to Axisymmetric FEM Analysis of Large Strain in Tensor-Based Matrix Form
V.V. Chekhov
Orientation of the Localized Damage Zone in Brittle Solid under True Triaxial Compression
I.A. Panteleev, D.V. Lozhkin, and V.A. Lyakhovsky
Fatigue Strength under High Frequency Loading of Materials Produced by Selective Laser Melting
I.S. Nikitin, N.G. Burago, A.D. Nikitin, and B.A. Stratula
Splitting of a Strip Consisting of Two Identical Orthotropic Half-Strips with Isotropy Axes Symmetrically Inclined to the Interface
K.B. Ustinov and N.L. Borisova
Effect of Diffusion and Laser Pulse on a Poro-Thermoelastic Medium Via Three-Phase-Lag Model
Elsayed M. Abd-Elaziz and Mohamed I.A. Othman
Thermo-Dynamical Interactions in a Fibre-Reinforced Orthotropic Magneto-Elastic Material with Temperature-Dependent Properties and Gravity
Mohamed I.A. Othman, Devender Sheoran, Ramesh Kumar, and Kapil Kumar Kalkal
Thermal Shock Behaviour on Generalized Thermoelastic Medium under Initial Stress with Rotation
A.M. Abd-Alla, S.M. Abo-Dahab, and Abdullah Alsharif
Dual-Phase-Lag Model on Reflection of P- and SV- Magneto-Thermoelastic Waves from Isothermal Boundary of a Half-Space
S.M. Abo-Dahab, A.E. Abouelregal, Maha M. Helmi, A.M. Abd-Alla, and Mnahil M. Bashier
An Efficient Robust Optimization Method for Two-Bar Structures under Uncertain Loading
Xinze Guo, Shunyi Shi, and Kemin Zhou
Propagation of Rayleigh-Type Waves on an Elastic Half-Space Covered by a Thin Multi-Layered Coating
Ali M. Mubaraki, Maha M. Helmi, Rahmatullah Ibrahim Nuruddeen, and Mounirah Areshi
Enhanced Surgical Precision in Medical Robotics through the Development of a Novel Stereotaxic Robot Design and Control System
M. Honari-Torshizi, H. Moeinkhah, H. Rahmani, M.A. Mirshekar, and A. Mohammadzadeh
Dynamics of a Piezoelectric Restrained Nanowire in an Elastic Matrix
Murat Akpınar, Büşra Uzun, and Mustafa Özgür Yaylı
A Study on Bio-Thermal and Mechanical Interactions in Cylindrical Tissues with Experimental Data
Zuhur Alqahtani, Ibrahim Abbas, Alaa A. El-Bary, and Areej Almuneef
Dynamic Response of Layered Unsaturated Soils under Moving Loads
Zhilin Zhou, Yeyu Huang, and Fengxi Zhou
New Investigation of the Buckling Responses of Nano-Beams Based on Engesser and Haringx Theories by the New Model of Shear Deformation Theories
M. Dadouch, I. Mechab, N. Elmeiche, and B. Mechab
Creep-Life for Brittle Rocks Subjected to Uniaxial Compression: a Theoretical Investigation
Houxu Huang, Yongxiang Cai, Rui Pan, Yi Cai, Chao Yan, Shuai Yin, and Huazhang Shen
Analysis of Flexoelectric Hollow Cylinder with Thermopolarization Effect
Pengfei Yu, Dianhan Yang, Liming Peng, Yaohong Suo, and Yihan Wu
Impact of Stiffener Configurations on the Bending Behavior of Thin Stainless-Steel Plates: Experimental and Numerical Study
M. Hamadi, A. Zatar, A.M. Al-Nadhari, and D. Hamadi
Dynamic Response and Energy Absorption Characteristics of Auxetic Concave Honeycomb Pad for Ballistic Helmet under Shock Wave and Bullet Impact
Z.Y. Shen, Y.K. Wen, L.Y. Shen, X.H. Luo, W.X. Nie, H.C. Wang, and H.R. Xu
Numerical Study on Performance Evaluation of Alumina 99.6%, Kevlar®, Aluminium Composite Armour Panels
M.D. Umbharatwala, Manmohan Dass Goel, Gaurav Tiwari, and Nikhil Andraskar
Study on the Mechanical Properties of Loofah Sponge in Cyclic Compression
Guangjie Li, Jiawen Xu, Lijun Chang, Taiwei Chen, and Zhihua Cai
Quasi-3d Shear Deformation Theory for the Vibration Study of Viscoelastic FGM Nanoplates Resting on Visco Winkler-Pasternak Substrate Medium
S. Hamzi, D. Ghali, I. Mechab, B. Mechab, and N. Elmeiche
SH Waves Propagation in a Layered Coupled Plate under Non-Local Theory
K. Singh, A. Kaur, and M. Monga
Aeroelastic Analysis and Lay-Up Optimization Strategy for Glass/Carbon Fiber Hybrid Composite Panels Subjected to Supersonic Airflow
Li Bowen, Zhang Jiamu, Chu Guangyuan, Zhang Feng, and Jin Peng
Response of Track Vibration under the Coupling Effect of Wheel Flat Scar and Track Irregularities
Gao Meng, Tang Zhonghai, Gao Guangyun, and Li Jianduan
Study on the Vibration Response of an Automatic Rifle Barrel in Hot and Cold States
C. Dai, Y.C. Fu, Y.F. Cao, H.Y. Lyu, and C. Xu
Study of Photothermal Interactions in Semiconductor Media with Energy Dissipation
Aatef Hobiny and Ibrahim Abbas
Analysis of the Penetration Ability of Exponential Bullets on TPMS Structures with Variable Density
Qi Jiang, Bo Hao, Geng Chen, Haokai Zheng, and Li Zhang
Plane Thermoelastic Waves in Ultrahemitropic Micropolar Solid
E.V. Murashkin and Yu.N. Radayev
Healing of Long Fatigue Cracks in Steel Plates by High-Density Current Pulses
K.V. Kukudzhanov, G.R. Khalikova, E.A. Korznikova, A.V. Chentsov, and S.V. Dmitriev
Dynamics of the Energy Center of a Long-Wave Low-Amplitude Disturbance in an Anharmonic One-Dimensional Lattice
S.A. Shcherbinin
Critical States of Laminated Polymer Composite under Quasi-Static Deformation after Preliminary Low-Velocity Impact Loads
O.A. Staroverov, V.E. Wildemann, A.I. Mugatarov, E.M. Strungar, and E.A. Chebotareva
Stationary Points of Poisson’s Ratio of Six-Constant Tetragonal Crystals at Particular Orientations
M.A. Volkov
Volume: 59 • Number: 5 • Year: 2024 • Total articles: 42<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
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