Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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IssuesArchive of Issues2024-5pp.2861-2875

Archive of Issues

Total articles in the database: 13011
In Russian (Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. ÌÒÒ): 8096
In English (Mech. Solids): 4915

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A.M. Abd-Alla, S.M. Abo-Dahab, and Abdullah Alsharif, "Thermal Shock Behaviour on Generalized Thermoelastic Medium under Initial Stress with Rotation," Mech. Solids. 59 (5), 2861-2875 (2024)
Year 2024 Volume 59 Number 5 Pages 2861-2875
DOI 10.1134/S0025654424604415
Title Thermal Shock Behaviour on Generalized Thermoelastic Medium under Initial Stress with Rotation
Author(s) A.M. Abd-Alla (Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Egypt,
S.M. Abo-Dahab (Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, South Valley University, Qena, 83523 Egypt,
Abdullah Alsharif (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Science, Taif University, Taif, 21944 Saudi Arabia,
Abstract The present investigation is intended to demonstrate the effect of hydrostatic initial stress and rotation on thermoelastic medium with two temperatures. The exact expressions for the displacement components, temperature field, and stresses are obtained in the physical domain by using the normal mode technique. These are also computed numerically for a copper material and presented graphically to observe the variations of the considered physical variables. The analytical solution has been obtained, we have used the Lame’s potential, method and normal mode analysis. The results indicate that the effect of rotation and initial stress on the conductor temperature, thermodynamic temperature, displacement and stress are quite pronounced. In order to illustrate and verify the analytical development, the numerical results of temperature, displacement and stress are carried out and computer simulated results. The numerical and graphical results underscore the significant influence of initial stress, rotation, and thermal shock on the various field quantities. Comparisons of the physical quantities are shown in figures to depict the effects of initial stress, rotation, and thermal shock.
Keywords thermoelasticity, thermal shock, normal mode analysis, initial stress, rotation, two temperatures
Received 28 June 2024Revised 06 October 2024Accepted 07 October 2024
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