Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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Archive of Issues

Total articles in the database: 12787
In Russian (Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. ÌÒÒ): 8028
In English (Mech. Solids): 4759

Volume: 55 • Number: 6 • Year: 2020 • Total articles: 22<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
Table of Contents
Influence of Anisotropy on the Deformation of a Polymer Composite with Shape Memory
Annin B.D., Karpov E.V., and Larichkin A.Yu.
On the Stability Loss of a Rapidly Rotating Polymetallic Disc
Nemirovskii Yu.V. and Tikhonov S.V.
Factorization of the Main Hyperbolic Differential Operator of the Micropolar Elasticity Theory
Radaev Yu.N.
Inhomogeneous Problem of the Theory of Elasticity in a Half-Strip. Exact Solution
Kovalenko M.D., Menshova I.V., Kerzhaev A.P., and Yu G.
Piecewise Linear Plastic Potentials as a Tool for Calculating Plane Transient Temperature Stresses
Burenin A.A. and Tkacheva A.V.
On a Method of Temperature Stresses Computation in a Functionally Graded Elastoplastic Material
Akinlabi E.T., Dats E.P., Mahamood R.M., Murashkin E.V., and Shatalov M.Y.
Second Order Linear Differential Operators over High Rank Tensor Fields
Georgievskii D.V.
Torsion of Non-Uniform Cylindrical and Prismatic Rods Made of Ideally Plastic Material under Linearized Yield Criterion
Mironov B.G. and Mironov Yu.B.
On the Main Hypotheses of the General Mathematical Theory of Plasticity and the Limits of Their Applicability
Zubchaninov V.G.
Homogenization of Porous Piezocomposites with Extreme Properties at Pore Boundaries by Effective Moduli Method
Nasedkin A.V., Nasedkina A.A., and Nassar M.E.
Model of Shear Elastic-Plastic Deformation of a Thin Adhesive Layer
Glagolev V.V. and Markin A.A.
Influence of an Electrostatic Field on Saw in Prestressed Ferroelectric Heterostructures
Belyankova T.I. and Kalinchuk V.V.
On Solvability of Boundary Value Problems for Elastic Micropolar Shells with Rigid Inclusions
Eremeev V.A. and Lebedev L.P.
Analytical Solution of Axisymmetric Contact Problem for a Poroelastic Layer
Kolosova E.M. and Chebakov M.I.
Resonant Method for Detection and Identification of Delamination in Composite Plates by Elastic Guided Waves
Glushkov E.V., Glushkova N.V., Golub M.V., and Eremin A.A.
Stress State of Unbounded Space Near a Cylindrical Cavity with a Non-Circular Cross-Section for Aging Elastic-Viscoplastic Materials
Gotsev D.V., Kovalev A.V., and Yakovlev A.Yu.
Deformation and Loss of Stability Modeling for Elastic-Viscoplastic Mixtures
Sporykhin A.N.
Features of Dynamic Deformation of an Elastoviscoplastic Material in the Vicinity of a Moving Crack Tip
Verveiko N.D., Krupenko S.E., and Shashkin A.I.
Short-Term Forecast of the Earth’s Pole Motion, Taking Into Account Lunar Disturbances
Krylov S.S., Perepelkin V.V., and Wai Yan Soe
Relaxation of Residual Stresses in a Surface-Hardened Cylinder under Creep Conditions and Rigid Restrictions on Linear and Angular Deformations
Radchenko V.P., Tsvetkov V.V., and Derevyanka E.E.
On the Determination of the Mechanical Characteristics of Rod Elements Made of Functionally Graded Materials
Vatulyan A.O. and Yurov V.O.
Erratum to: A Generalization of the von Mises Criterion for a Single Crystal with a Hexagonal Crystal Lattice
Vlasova A.M. and Kesarev A.G.
Volume: 55 • Number: 6 • Year: 2020 • Total articles: 22<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
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