| | Mechanics of Solids A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544 Online ISSN 1934-7936 |
Archive of Issues
Total articles in the database: | | 12949 |
In Russian (Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. ÌÒÒ): | | 8096
In English (Mech. Solids): | | 4853 |
| Table of Contents | |
| Stabilization Algorithm for Periodic Affine Systems V.I. Slyn'ko | 623-631 |
| On Motion of Chaplygin Sleigh on a Horizontal Plane with Dry Friction A.V. Karapetyan and A.Yu. Shamin | 632-637 |
| On Rolling of a Heavy Disk on a Surface of Revolution with Negative Curvature A.S. Sumbatov | 638-651 |
| Resonant Motions of the Statically Stable Lagrange Spinning Top Yu.M. Zabolotnov | 652-668 |
| Decomposition Synthesis of the Control System of Electromechanical Objects in Conditions of Incomplete Information A.S. Antipov, D.V. Krasnov, and A.V. Utkin | 669-682 |
| Movement of a Heavy Rigid Body Suspended on a Cable of Variable Length with Oscillation Elimination S.V. Russkikh and F.N. Shklyarchuk | 683-693 |
| Strange Behavior of Natural Oscillations of an Elastic Body with a Blunted Peak S.A. Nazarov | 694-708 |
| Contact Problem for Inhomogeneous Cylinders with Variable Poisson's Ratio D.A. Pozharskii | 709-716 |
| Contact Problem for a Cylindrical Waveguide With a Periodic Structure M.I. Chebakov and E.M. Kolosova | 717-725 |
| Cauchy Problem for the Torsional Vibration Equation of a Nonlinear-Elastic Rod of Infinite Length Kh.G. Umarov | 726-740 |
| A Method for Solving Problems of the Isotropic Elasticity Theory with Bulk Forces in Polynomial Representation V.I. Kuz'menko, N.V. Kuz'menko, L.V. Levina, and V.B. Pen'kov | 741-749 |
| Deflection of a Thin Rectangular Plate with Free Edges under Concentrated Loads V.N. Fedoseyev and D.A. Yagnyatinskiy | 750-755 |
| Modeling the Dynamic Bending of Rigid-Plastic Hybrid Composite Curvilinear Plates with a Rigid Inclusion T.P. Romanova | 756-772 |
| Solving the Problem of the Bending of a Plate with Fixed Edges by Reduction to an Infinite Systems of Equations O.F. Ivanova, N.N. Pavlov, and F.M. Fedorov | 773-779 |
| Destruction of the Lava Dome of an Underwater Volcano V.A. Andryushchenko, V.A. Goloveshkin, I.V. Murashkin, and N.N. Kholin | 780-785 |
| A Model for Refined Calculation of the Stress-Strain State of Sandwich Conical Irregular Shells V.N. Bakulin | 786-796 |
| Nonlinear Model of Deformation of Crystalline Media Allowing for Martensitic Transformations: Plane Deformation E.L. Aero, A.N. Bulygin, and Yu.V. Pavlov | 797-806 |
| Analytical Solution to the Boundary Value Problem of Steady Creep of a Nonaxisymmetric Thick-Walled Tube under the Action of Internal Pressure A.D. Moskalik and V.P. Radchenko | 807-818 |
| Murnaghan's Elastoplastic Material Model O.L. Shved | 819-831 |
| Modeling the Elasto-Visco-Plastic Bending of Spatially Reinforced Plates Accounting for the Strain-Rate Sensitivity of Composition Components A.P. Yankovskii | 832-852 |
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