| | Mechanics of Solids A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544 Online ISSN 1934-7936 |
Archive of Issues
Total articles in the database: | | 12949 |
In Russian (Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. ÌÒÒ): | | 8096
In English (Mech. Solids): | | 4853 |
| Table of Contents | |
| On Indentation of a System of Irregularly Shaped Rigid Punches into a Coated Foundation K.E. Kazakov | 473-478 |
| New Solution of Axisymmetric Contact Problem of Elasticity V.V. Vasil'ev and S.A. Lurie | 479-487 |
| Supercritical Deformation and Fracture of Bodies with Concentrators under Plane Stress State Conditions V.E. Vildeman, E.V. Lomakin, T.V. Tret'yakova, and M.P. Tret'yakov | 488-494 |
| Thermoelastoplastic Deformation of a Multilayer Ball E.V. Murashkin and E.P. Dats | 495-500 |
| Two-Way Coupled Statement of the Problem of Loss of Stability due to Inverse Thermoelastic Phase Transition in a Shape Memory Alloy S.A. Dumanskii and A.A. Movchan | 501-510 |
| Plastic Extension of a Plate with Symmetric Notches R.I. Nepershin | 511-523 |
| Determination of Residual Stresses in Products in Additive Production by the Layer-by-Layer Photopolymerization Method P.S. Bychkov, V.M. Kozintsev, A.V. Manzhirov, and A.L. Popov | 524-529 |
| Analytic Solution of the Problem of Additive Formation of an Inhomogeneous Elastic Spherical Body in an Arbitrary Nonstationary Central Force Field D.A. Parshin | 530-540 |
| Admissible Steady-State Regimes of Crack Propagation in a Square-Cell Lattice N.A. Gorbushin and G.S. Mishuris | 541-548 |
| Floquet-Bloch Waves in Periodic Networks of Rayleigh Beams: Cellular System, Dispersion Degenerations, and Structured Connection Regions L. Cabras, A.B. Movchan, and A. Piccolroaz | 549-563 |
| Braking of a Body by a Soft Inflatable Shell on Impact on a Surface R.Sh. Gimadiev | 564-574 |
| Postbuckling Behavior of Compressed Rods in an Elastic Medium R.A. Kayumov | 575-580 |
| Systems with Discontinuous Quasi-Zero Reconstructing Force A.R. Valeev, A.N. Zotov, O.E. Zubkova, R.G. Rizvanov, and M.V. Sviridov | 581-586 |
| Experimental-Theoretical Approach to Determining the Film-Substrate Adhesion S.N. Yakupov | 587-593 |
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