| | Mechanics of Solids A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544 Online ISSN 1934-7936 |
Archive of Issues
Total articles in the database: | | 13011 |
In Russian (Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. ÌÒÒ): | | 8096
In English (Mech. Solids): | | 4915 |
| Table of Contents | |
| Study of Viscoelastic Properties of Elastomers Reinforced by Nanoparticles Yu.P. Zezin and E.V. Lomakin | 117-126 |
| Differential Graphene Resonator as a Mass Detector I.E. Berinskii, D.I. Indeitsev, N.F. Morozov, D.Yu. Skubov, and L.V. Shtukin | 127-134 |
| Refined Gradient Theory of Scale-Dependent Superthin Rods S.A. Lurie, E.L. Kuznetsova, L.N. Rabinskii, and E.I. Popova | 135-146 |
| Influence of the Form of Material Structure Elements on the Fracture Scenario in a Complex Stress State R.V. Goldstein and N.M. Osipenko | 147-159 |
| Mathematical Modeling of Vibration Processes in Reinforced Concrete Structures for Setting Up Crack Initiation Monitoring A.A. Bykov, V.P. Matveenko, G.S. Serovaev, I.N. Shardakov, and A.P. Shestakov | 160-170 |
| Riemann Method for the Plane Strain of a Homogeneous Porous Plastic Material S.E. Aleksandrov and E.A. Lyamina | 171-175 |
| Analog of the Plastic Flow Theory for Describing Martensitic Inelastic Strains in Shape Memory Alloys I.V. Mishustin and A.A. Movchan | 176-190 |
| High-Temperature Embrittlement and Long-Term Strength of Metallic Materials R.A. Arutyunyan | 191-197 |
| Perturbation Method in the Problem on a Nearly Circular Hole in an Elastic Plane E.A. Bashkankova, A.B. Vakaeva, and M.A. Grekov | 198-207 |
| Nonstationary 3D Motion of an Elastic Spherical Shell D.V. Tarlakovskii and G.V. Fedotenkov | 208-217 |
| Thermodynamic Analogy in Problems of High-Frequency Vibration Propagation in Complex Systems A.K. Belyaev | 218-226 |
| Transverse Vibration Spectrum of a Part of a Moving Rod under a Longitudinal Load L.D. Akulenko, D.V. Georgievskii, and S.V. Nesterov | 227-231 |
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