| | Mechanics of Solids A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544 Online ISSN 1934-7936 |
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<< Previous article | Volume 47, Issue 6 / 2012 | Next article >> |
S.M. Mkhitaryan, "Solution of the First Boundary Value Problem of Nonlinear Theory of Steady-State Creep for a Half-Space in Antiplane Deformation," Mech. Solids. 47 (6), 646-653 (2012) |
Year |
2012 |
Volume |
47 |
Number |
6 |
Pages |
646-653 |
10.3103/S0025654412060064 |
Title |
Solution of the First Boundary Value Problem of Nonlinear Theory of Steady-State Creep for a Half-Space in Antiplane Deformation |
Author(s) |
S.M. Mkhitaryan (Institute of Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia, 24b Marshal Baghramian ave., Erevan, 0019, Republic of Armenia, smkhitaryan@mechins.sci.am) |
Abstract |
The first boundary value problem of nonlinear theory of steady-state creep with power-law relationship between the stresses and the strain rates is considered for a half-space under conditions of antiplane (out-of-plane) deformation when tangential distributed forces are given on the half-space boundary. By using the introduced harmonic pseudostress function, we reduce solving this problem to solving a nonlinear singular integral equation admitting an exact solution. |
Keywords |
antiplane (out-of-plane) deformation, creep, power-law dependence, pseudostress function, nonlinear integral equation |
References |
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7. | L. M. Kachanov,
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8. | L. M. Kachanov,
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Received |
27 July 2012 |
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