Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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IssuesArchive of Issues2009-4pp.621-631

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A. P. Moiseenok and V. G. Popov, "Interaction of Plane Nonstationary Waves with a Thin Elastic Inclusion under Smooth Contact Conditions," Mech. Solids. 44 (4), 621-631 (2009)
Year 2009 Volume 44 Number 4 Pages 621-631
DOI 10.3103/S0025654409040128
Title Interaction of Plane Nonstationary Waves with a Thin Elastic Inclusion under Smooth Contact Conditions
Author(s) A. P. Moiseenok (Mechnikov Odessa National University, Dvoryanskaya 2, Odessa, 65023 Ukraine,
V. G. Popov (Odessa National Maritime Academy, Didrikhsona 8, Odessa, 65029 Ukraine,
Abstract We solve the problem of determining the stress state near a thin elastic inclusion in the form of a strip of finite width in an unbounded elastic body (matrix) with plane nonstationary waves propagating through it and with the forces exerted by the ambient medium taken into account. We assume that the matrix is in the plane strain state, and the smooth contact conditions are realized on both sides of the inclusion. The method for solving this problem consists in using the integral Laplace transform with respect to time and in representing the stress and displacement images in terms of the discontinuous solution of Lamé equations in the case of plane strain. As a result, the initial problem is reduced to a system of singular integral equations for the transforms of the unknown stress and displacement jumps. To invert the Laplace transform, we use a numerical method based on replacing the Mellin integral by the Fourier series. As a result, we obtain approximate formulas for calculating the stress intensity factors (SIF) for the inclusion, which are used to study the SIF time-dependence and its influence on the values of the inclusion rigidity. We also studied the possibility of considering the inclusions of higher rigidity as absolutely rigid inclusions.
Keywords inclusion, plane nonstationary wave, contact, stress intensity factor
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Received 31 October 2006
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