Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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Archive of Issues

Total articles in the database: 13011
In Russian (Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. ÌÒÒ): 8096
In English (Mech. Solids): 4915

Volume: 44 • Number: 3 • Year: 2009 • Total articles: 18<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
Table of Contents
On the dynamical symmetry points and the orientations of the principal axes of inertia of a rigid body
N. I. Amel’kin
Steady-state rotational motions of a rigid body with a strong magnet in an alternating magnetic field in the presence of dissipation
A. A. Il’in, N. V. Kupriyanova, and M. Yu. Ovchinnikov
Perturbing moments in a floating gyroscope with elastic device housing on a vibrating base in the case of a nonsymmetric end outflow
S. A. Antsiferov, D. V. Kondratov, and L. I. Mogilevich
Torsional vibrations in systems with combined dry friction
A. A. Kireenkov
On the stability of a circular system subjected to nonlinear dissipative forces
S. A. Agafonov
Group foliation of the Lamé equations of the classical dynamical theory of elasticity
Yu. A. Chirkunov
On the study of waveguide properties of a stack of elastic layers with a set of rigid inclusions
O. D. Pryakhina and A. V. Smirnova
On the asymptotics of the stress and strain fields near a crack tip
I. M. Lavit
Periodic system of collinear cracks in an elastic porous medium
G. Iovane and M. A. Sumbatyan
Hyperbolic boundary layers in compound cylindrical shells
I. V. Kirillova and L. Yu. Kossovich
Nonlinear vibrations and dynamic stability of a viscoelastic circular cylindrical shell with shear strain and inertia of rotation taken into account
B. Kh. Eshmatov
Solvability of boundary value problems in the geometrically and physically nonlinear theory of shallow shells of Timoshenko type
S. N. Timergaliev
Computation of aeroelastic transfer functions of aircraft elements under vibrations in a compressible flow
V. V. Gulyaev, V. V. Ovchinnikov, V. M. Popov, and S. V. Filimonov
Solution of the disk compression problem in the three-dimensional setting
G. Z. Sharafutdinov and A. L. Shein
Application of the angular superposition method to the contact problem on the compression of an elastic cylinder
I. A. Savichev and A. D. Chernyshov
To the theory of analysis of a two-layer cylindrical bearing
M. I. Chebakov
Elastoplastic model and theory of slipping for the three-dimensional stress state
I. S. Nikitin
Contact pressures in a thin layer in strip rolling with the deflection of rollers taken into account
L. F. Fomin
Volume: 44 • Number: 3 • Year: 2009 • Total articles: 18<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
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