Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
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IssuesArchive of Issues2009-3pp.352-360

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S. A. Antsiferov, D. V. Kondratov, and L. I. Mogilevich, "Perturbing moments in a floating gyroscope with elastic device housing on a vibrating base in the case of a nonsymmetric end outflow," Mech. Solids. 44 (3), 352-360 (2009)
Year 2009 Volume 44 Number 3 Pages 352-360
DOI 10.3103/S0025654409030030
Title Perturbing moments in a floating gyroscope with elastic device housing on a vibrating base in the case of a nonsymmetric end outflow
Author(s) S. A. Antsiferov (Povolzhye Branch of the Russian State Open Technical University of Railway Engineering in Saratov, Astrakhanskaya 1a, Saratov, 410079 Russia,
D. V. Kondratov (Saratov State Technical University, Politekhnicheskaya 77, Saratov, 410054 Russia,
L. I. Mogilevich (Saratov State Technical University, Politekhnicheskaya 77, Saratov, 410054 Russia,
Abstract The influence of elastic compliance of the float housing on the vibration perturbing moment in gyros with cylindrical floating suspension in the case of symmetric fluid outflow was studied in [1, 2]. It was shown that, for a sufficiently thick float housing made of a material of small density and large Young modulus, the influence of elastic compliance can be neglected, and one can assume that the float housing is absolutely rigid. In the case of collet fixation of the gyro at the working position, to ensure the heat withdrawal to the end faces, the device housing is constructed as an elastic cylindrical shell with rigid attachment on the end faces. The influence of the device housing elasticity in the case of symmetric fluid outflow through the end faces was considered in [3], and the influence of the nonsymmetric fluid outflow through the end faces for the case of a rigid device housing was studied in [4].

We consider the influence of the perturbing moment of the floating gyroscope with elastic device housing in the case of nonsymmetric fluid outflow through the ends on a vibrating base in the case of translational and angular vibrations of the base. We show that the elasticity of the device housing and the nonsymmetry of the fluid outflow significantly affect the hydrodynamic perturbing moment.
1.  K.P. Andreichenko and L.I. Mogilevich, "Perturbing Moments in a Floating Gyroscope with an Elastic Float Housing on a Vibrating Base," Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Mekh. Tverd. Tela, No. 4, 44-51 (1987) [Mech. Solids (Engl. Transl.) 22 (4), 43-50 (1987)].
2.  K.P. Andreichenko and L.I. Mogilevich, "Perturbing Moments in Floating Gyroscope with Elastic Float Housing in the Case of Fluid End Flow," Mashinovedenie, No. 1, 33-41 (1987).
3.  D.V. Kondratov and L.I. Mogilevich, "Perturbation Torques in a Floated Gyro with an Elastic Housing on a Vibrating Base," Izv. Akad. Nauk. Mekh. Tverd. Tela, No. 3, 11-21 (2005) [Mech. Solids (Engl. Transl.) 40 (3), 8-15 (2005)].
4.  S.A. Antsiferov, "Hydrodynamic Perturbing Moment in Floating Gyroscope in the Case of Fluid Nonsymmetric Outflow through End Surfaces," Aviakosmich. Priborostr., No. 3, 5-9 (2006).
5.  A.M. Lestev, Nonlinear Gyroscopic Systems (Izd-vo LGU, Leningrad, 1983) [in Russian].
6.  C.M. Harris and C.E. Crede (Editors) Shock and Vibration Handbook, Vols. 1 and 2 (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961).
Received 30 March 2007
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