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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2006-2pp.146-155

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L. L. Song and D. V. Iourtchenko, "Analysis of stochastic vibroimpact systems with inelastic impacts," Mech. Solids. 41 (2), 146-155 (2006)
Year 2006 Volume 41 Number 2 Pages 146-155
Title Analysis of stochastic vibroimpact systems with inelastic impacts
Author(s) L. L. Song (Moscow)
D. V. Iourtchenko (Moscow)
Abstract Vibroimpact systems are of particular interest for studying. This is due to the fact that even when the behavior of the system between impacts is linear, the impacts make the system highly nonlinear. All vibroimpact systems can be divided into the systems with one-sided constraint and the systems with two-sided constraint. In the case of one-sided constraint, the coordinate of the limiter, Δ, measured from the equilibrium position of the system can be negative (interference), zero, or positive (clearance) [1], while in the case of two-sided constraint, the limiters can be arranged symmetrically or asymmetrically relative to the equilibrium position.

Vibroimpact systems with deterministic excitation have been well studied and described in detail in a number of books [1-4]. Systems with elastic impacts can be studied by means of the method of [5, 6], which transforms the impact system to a system without impacts. However, this method is effective only in the cases where the motion between impacts is linear or has a polynomial nonlinearity. In the case of inelastic impacts, the impact condition is usually expressed by the Dirac delta function on the right-hand side of the equation of motion. The coefficient of the delta function expresses the value of the impact impulse. In this case, the problem can be solved by the method of averaging.

A description of stochastic vibroimpact systems can be found in [7]. Stochastic systems with linear behavior between impacts and a one-sided limiter located at the equilibrium position (Δ=0) have been thoroughly studied. The exact expressions for the probability density and spectral density [8] in such systems have been obtain by means of the transformation proposed in [5, 6].

In the other cases, the impact term is introduced into the right hand side of the equation of motion in the form of the Dirac delta function multiplied by an appropriate coefficient, as was the case for deterministic systems, and the system is solved approximately by the quasi-conservative averaging method of [9]. A detailed description of the statistical linearization method for vibroimpact stochastic systems is given in [1]. The aforementioned approximate methods enable one to study vibrations in vibroimpact systems only if the restitution coefficient is close to unity, i.e., (1−r)«1. These methods do not enable one to evaluate the response of the vibroimpact system with other (lower) restitution coefficients.

A new energy balance method has been recently proposed in [10, 11] for systems with impact-induced dominant losses, i.e., for systems with negligibly low friction. Such systems were called the piecewise-conservative systems. The energy loss in such systems occurs at certain discrete time instants. These instants are unknown beforehand and depend only on the position and/or velocity of the system. Vibroimpact systems with impact-induced dominant losses are characteristic representatives of the class of piecewise-conservative systems. The idea of the method as applied to vibroimpact systems implies the consideration of the behavior of the energy of the system between impacts and the balance of the energy before and after an impact. It is important that this method does not require the change in the system energy per period to be small, as is the case for the quasi-conservative averaging method. Therefore, one can anticipate that this method provides more accurate estimate for the average energy of the system, as compared with the quasi-conservative averaging.

The main purpose of the present study is to obtain analytical estimates for the average energy of stochastic vibroimpact systems with inelastic impacts. To that end, we present calculations that enable one to extend the application area of the energy balance method to stochastic vibroimpact systems with interference, clearance, and two-sided impact. In addition, the results are compared with approximate results obtained by means of the quasi-conservative averaging and the numerical simulation results. The results of the numerical simulation of a vibroimpact system with two degrees of freedom are given.
1.  V. I. Babitskii, Theory of Vibroimpact Systems: Approximate Methods [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1978.
2.  V. I. Babitskii and V. L. Krupenin, Vibrations in Highly Nonlinear Systems [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1985.
3.  V. I. Babitskii and M. Z. Kolovskii, "To the theory of vibroimpact systems," Mashinovedenie, No. 1, pp. 24-30, 1970.
4.  A. E. Kobrinskii and A. A. Kobrinskii, Vibroimpact Systems [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1973.
5.  V. Ph. Zhuravlev, "Equations of motion of mechanical systems with ideal unilateral constraints," PMM [Applied Mathematics and Mechanics], Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 781-788, 1978.
6.  V. Ph. Zhuravlev and D. M. Klimov, Applied Methods in Vibration Theory [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1988.
7.  M. F. Dimentberg, Statistical Dynamics of Nonlinear and Time-varying Systems, Wiley, New York; Research Studies Press, Taunton, 1988.
8.  M. F. Dimentberg, Z. Hou, and M. Noori, "Spectral density of a nonlinear single-degree-of-freedom system's response to a white-noise random excitation: a unique case of an exact solution," Intern. J. of Non-linear Mech., Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 673-676, 1995.
9.  P. S. Landa and R. L. Stratonovich, "To the theory of fluctuation transitions of various systems between two stationary positions," Vestnik MGU [Bulletin of the Moscow State University], Ser. 3, No. 1, pp. 33-45, 1962.
10.  M. F. Dimentberg and D. V. Iourtchenko, "Towards incorporating impact losses into random vibration analyses," Probabilistic Eng. Mech., Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 323-328, 1999.
11.  D. V. Iourtchenko and M. F. Dimentberg, "Energy balance for random vibration of piecewise-conservative systems," J. Sound and Vibrat., Vol. 248, No. 5, pp. 913-923, 2001.
12.  Y. K. Lin and G. Q. Cai, Probabilistic Structural Dynamics: Advanced Theory and Applications, McGraw Hill, New York, 1995.
13.  R. L. Stratonovich, Selected Issues of the Theory of Fluctuations in Radio Engineering [in Russian], Sovetskoe Radio, Moscow, 1961.
14.  V. V. Bolotin, Random Vibration of Elastic Systems [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1979.
Received 17 December 2003
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