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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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IssuesArchive of Issues2005-3pp.67-82

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A. A. Gorshkov, V. A. Lomovskoi, and E. N. Polyvanaya, "Regions of local inelasticity and dissipative phenomena in some boron systems," Mech. Solids. 40 (3), 67-82 (2005)
Year 2005 Volume 40 Number 3 Pages 67-82
Title Regions of local inelasticity and dissipative phenomena in some boron systems
Author(s) A. A. Gorshkov (Moscow)
V. A. Lomovskoi (Moscow)
E. N. Polyvanaya (Moscow)
Abstract This paper considers some possibilities of applying phenomenological models for the description of internal friction spectra from the standpoint of discrete structure of the system under investigation. This study is carried out for a special case of boron systems, with the inelasticity relations being applied to each local dissipative process.

One of the manifestations of inelasticity is the decay of elastic vibrations excited in the medium under investigation and the dependence of the elastic moduli on the frequency of external forces having constant amplitude. The methods for the investigation of internal friction spectra depending on the parameters of the transfer functions and recalculation formulas are described in [1-3].
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6.  A. A. Gorshkov, A. D. Guskov, V. A. Lomovskoi, and Z. I. Fomkina, "Phenomenological description of inelasticity phenomena in compounds," in 7-th Intern. Symposium "Dynamics and Technology Issues in Mechanics of Structures and Continua" [in Russian], pp. 106-113, MAI, Moscow, 2001.
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Received 22 April 2004
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