Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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Archive of Issues

Total articles in the database: 12977
In Russian (Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. ÌÒÒ): 8096
In English (Mech. Solids): 4881

Volume: 58 • Number: 1 • Year: 2023 • Total articles: 28<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
Table of Contents
Quaternion Methods and Regular Models of Celestial and Space Flight Mechanic: Using Euler (Rodrigues-Hamilton) Parameters to Describe Orbital (Trajectory) Motion. II: Perturbed Spatial Restricted Three-Body Problem
Yu.N. Chelnokov
Solution of the External Pochhammer-Chree Problem and Bending Seismic Vibrations of the Pipeline in Infinite Elastic Continuum
M.Sh. Israilov
Hydromechanical Modeling of the Deep Initial Impulsive Action on the Hydrogeophysical Massif
K.N. Anakhaev and V.V. Belikov
Determination of Yield Strength of Single-Crystals with a Hexagonal Lattice at a Given Strain Tensor and Hydrostatic Pressure
A.G. Kesarev and A.M. Vlasova
Correction of a Strapdown Inertial Navigation System During Descent in the Atmosphere
O.E. Korolev
Optimal Control of the Angular Momentum for a Solid (Spacecraft) Performing a Spatial Turn
M.V. Levskii
To the Static Stability of the Cross-Sectional Shape of a Pipeline, Cylindrical Shell, Carbon Nanotube
A.G. Khakimov
On the Long-Term Fracture of a Composite Tensile Rod under Creep Conditions
L.V. Fomin and Yu.G. Basalov
Investigation of the Errors of Fast Trigonometric Interpolation in Solving the Problem of Stresses in a Bar
A.D. Chernyshov, V.V. Goryainov, and M.I. Popov
Application of Methods of the Theory of Critical Distances to Estimate the Fracture of Quasi-Brittle Materials with Notches
S.V. Suknev
Calculation of the Stress-Strain State of a Polymer Composite in a Direct Electric Current Field
P.A. Lyukshin, B.A. Lyukshin, S.V. Panin, and S.A. Bochkareva
Relative Equilibria of a Heavy Point on a Uniformly Rotating Inclined Plane
A.A. Burov and V.I. Nikonov
Auxetics among Two-Layered Composites Made of Cubic Crystals. Analytical and Numerical Analysis
A.I. Demin, M.A. Volkov, V.A. Gorodtsov, and D.S. Lisovenko
The Schouten Force Stresses in Continuum Mechanics Formulations
E.V. Murashkin and Yu.N. Radayev
Reflection and Transmission of Plane Waves in Nonlocal Generalized Thermoelastic Solid with Diffusion
S. Malik, D. Gupta, K. Kumar, R.K. Sharma, and P. Jain
Numerical Study on Single and Multi-Layered Concrete Target Against Steel Projectile Impact
Mohit Bisht and Mohammad Ashraf Iqbal
Nonlinear Analytical Investigation of Dynamic Buckling of a Spherical Shell Trapped under a Periodic Load
G.E. Ozoigbo, A.M. Ette, J.U. Chukwuchekwa, W.I. Osuji, and I.U. Udo-Akpan
Reflection and Refraction Phenomenon of Waves At The Interface of Two Non-Local Couple Stress Micropolar Thermoelastic Solid Half-Spaces
Ravinder Kumar Sahrawat, Krishan Kumar, Poonam, and Sonam Rani
The Application of the Isogeometric Method Based on Bézier Extraction for the Thermo-Plastic Analysis of Welded Steel Plate
M.M. Shoheib, S. Shahrooi, M. Shishehsaz, and M. Hamzehei
Influence of Different Factors on the Most Vulnerable Position of Steel - Aluminum Composite Target Plate under Constant Surface Density
Hao Zou, Xiaoping Zhang, Susu Liu, Yu Zhu, Fangdong Dong, Jianlin Zhong, Yanfeng Cao, and Fubao Zhang
Mechanical Analysis of Point Anchored Rock Bolt and Double Linings Support in Circular Hydraulic Tunnel
Y.J. Liu, B.S. Huang, M.D. Yuan, and E.H. Zhu
Modeling of Hyperbolic Two Temperature Fractional Thermodiffusive Elastic Circular Plate
Ankit Bajpai, Rajneesh Kumar, and P.K. Sharma
Torsional Vibration Analysis of a Core-Shell Piezoelectric Semiconductor Rod
Zhicheng Zhang, Dezhi Li, Yuting Guo, Dejuan Kong, and Chunli Zhang
A Study of Thermo-Mechanical Interactions in the Rotating Micropolar Elastic Solid with two Temperatures Using Memory-Dependent Derivative
Varun Kumar and Rafiya Nazir
Underwater Explosion (UNDEX) Phenomenon and Response of Marine Combatants to UNDEX Loading
Nagesh and N.K. Gupta
Ballistic Impact Analysis of the Ceramic Metal Target
Mohammad Kamil Khan, Mohd Ashraf Iqbal, and Narinder Kumar Gupta
A Modal Displacement Unevenness Coefficient Method for Multi-Point Matrix Damage Detection in Composite Laminates
X. Zhang, X.C. Yin, J.Q. Lv, and W. Li
Erratum to: On the Lack of Controllability in Naive Mechanics Models: Three Exceptional Cases
I.V. Romanov
Volume: 58 • Number: 1 • Year: 2023 • Total articles: 28<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
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