Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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IssuesArchive of Issues2023-5pp.1738-1756

Archive of Issues

Total articles in the database: 13011
In Russian (Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. ÌÒÒ): 8096
In English (Mech. Solids): 4915

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Ibrahim T. Teke, Yasin Yilmaz, Celalettin Baykara, and Ahmet H. Ertas, "A New Hybrid Method, Density-Shape-Element Removal (D-S-ER), for the Optimization of Continuum Structures," Mech. Solids. 58 (5), 1738-1756 (2023)
Year 2023 Volume 58 Number 5 Pages 1738-1756
DOI 10.3103/S0025654423600769
Title A New Hybrid Method, Density-Shape-Element Removal (D-S-ER), for the Optimization of Continuum Structures
Author(s) Ibrahim T. Teke (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Haliç University, Istanbul 34060, Turkiye; Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Natural Sciences, Bursa Technical University, Bursa 16330, Turkiye)
Yasin Yilmaz (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Pamukkale University, Denizli 20160, Turkiye)
Celalettin Baykara (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Sakarya 54050, Turkiye)
Ahmet H. Ertas (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Natural Sciences, Bursa Technical University, Bursa 16330, Turkiye,
Abstract Mesoscale lattice structures can be used in the design of lightweight structures using additive manufacturing without significantly raising production costs. However, creating effective structures with intricate latticework is difficult. Therefore, this paper presents a new strategy for designing additively manufactured structures that can simultaneously optimize the continuum structures. A novel hybrid algorithm has been created by combining the density-based approach, shape optimization, and element removal method (D-S-ER) to achieve the desired purposes of higher strength and/or lightweight structures. Three distinct issues - the cantilever beam, the corbel structure, and the GE bracket - that were addressed by many scientists were taken into account and resolved using the method that has been developed. As seen from the tables presenting the results obtained, significant improvements in terms of strength as well as the weight of the structures can be obtained. Hence, the results of the study demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed procedure.
Keywords topology optimization, finite element analysis, density-based method, shape optimization, element removal method
Received 06 May 2023Revised 22 July 2023Accepted 22 July 2023
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