Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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Archive of Issues

Total articles in the database: 13011
In Russian (Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. ÌÒÒ): 8096
In English (Mech. Solids): 4915

Volume: 58 • Number: 5 • Year: 2023 • Total articles: 35<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
Table of Contents
The Problem Solution on the Propagation of a Griffith Crack Based on the Equations of a Nonlinear Model
A.N. Bulygin and Yu.V. Pavlov
A Dynamicly Consistent Model of Normal Reactions at Points of a Mobile Platform Contact with a Surface Taking Account of the Design of Mecanum Wheels and Multicomponent Friction
G.R. Saipulaev, B.I. Adamov, and A.I. Kobrin
Quaternion Methods and Regular Models of Celestial Mechanics and Space Flight Mechanics: Local Regularization of the Singularities of the Equations of the Perturbed Spatial Restricted Three-Body Problem Generated by Gravitational Forces
Yu.N. Chelnokov
Control of the Rotation of a Solid (Spacecraft) with a Combined Optimality Criterion Based on Quaternions
M.V. Levskii
Dynamic Axisymmetric Tension of a Thin Round Ideally Rigid-Plastic Layer
I.M. Tsvetkov
Stationary Boundary Problems of Coupled Thermoelasticity for a Half-Plane and Their Solution
L.A. Alekseyeva and B.N. Alipova
Tensors with Constant Components in the Constitutive Equations of a Hemitropic Micropolar Solids
Y.N. Radayev
On the Mechanical Concept of Self-Assembly of Nanomaterials
V.A. Babeshko, O.V. Evdokimova, O.M. Babeshko, and V.S. Evdokimov
Studying the Properties of Metamaterials with a Negative Poisson’s Ratio when Punched by a Rigid Impactor
S.Yu. Ivanova, K.Yu. Osipenko, A.I. Demin, N.V. Banichuk, and D.S. Lisovenko
Solution of the Dynamic Lame Problem
N.B. Rasulova and T.M. Mahmudzade
Fundamental Solutions of the Equations of the Oscillation Theory for Anisotropic Elastic Media
A.V. Ilyashenko
Modeling of Non-Isothermal Viscoelastic-Viscoplastic Deformation of Bending Reinforced Plates
A.P. Yankovskii
Periodic Contact Problems for a Wedge with Friction Forces
E.D. Pozharskaya, D.A. Pozharskii, and B.V. Sobol
Comparison of Isothermal and Adiabatic Elasticity Characteristics of the Single Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloy CMSX-4 in the Temperature Range Between Room Temperature and 1300ºC
A.I. Epishin and D.S. Lisovenko
Instability of the Water Phase Diagram under Short Pulse Loading
N.O. Granichin, G.A. Volkov, A.A. Gruzdkov, and Y.V. Petrov
Extensional Analysis of an Axially Loaded Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Semiconductor Rod with Electrical Nonlinearity
Y.P. Zhao and D.Z. Li
Continuous Approach of Helical Material
W. Ounifi, M. Soula, and H. Hassis
Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of the First-Stage Fixed-Axis Gear Pair with Wear Fault for a Wind Turbine Gearbox Considering Different Friction States
X. Zhang, H.W. Li, Q. Li, X.J. Niu, and S. Liu
Phase Lag Response on Photothermolelastic Due to Ramp Type Load
Nidhi Sharma, Rajneesh Kumar, and Ravi
A Statistical Damage Constitutive Model of Hydrate-Bearing Sediments Based on DEM Tests with Flexible Membrane Boundaries
Yuqi Chen, Bo Zhou, Chao Zhang, and Fei Zhao
Dynamic Behavior of Piezoelectric Bi-Material Strip with a Semi-Salient and a Cavity under SH Guided Wave
Xi-meng Zhang and Hui Qi
Modified Moore-Gibson-Thompson Thermoelastic Model with Hyperbolic Two Temperatures Effect on Semiconducting Thermoelastic Solid Cylinder
Iqbal Kaur and Kulvinder Singh
A New Hybrid Method, Density-Shape-Element Removal (D-S-ER), for the Optimization of Continuum Structures
Ibrahim T. Teke, Yasin Yilmaz, Celalettin Baykara, and Ahmet H. Ertas
Numerical Investigation on the Ballistic Response of Alumina/Dyneema Composite Structure Subjected to Different Target Configuration
Nikhil Andraskar, Gaurav Tiwari, Manmohan Dass Goel, and M.D. Umbharatwala
Static Solutions for Plane Strain Problem of Coupled Diffusion and Deformation
Lingjun Yu, Xingquan Wang, Lulu Chen, Dongdong Yu, Zhaokai Li, and Xudong Tang
Analysis of Lamb Problem in Non-Locally Non-Uniform Semi-Infinite Saturated Foundation
Guobing Wang, Hui Wang, Li Xiaoxia, Wang Lei, and Wang Zhijun
Characterization of Laminated Composite Materials by Mechanical and Ultrasonic Tests
R.P. Lemanle Sanga, E. Siryabé, C.A. Moubeke, and G.E. Ntamack
Scattering of Plane SH Waves Around a Lined Tunnel in the Covering Layer of Composite Strata
Song-Chol Ri, Shuhong Wang, and Hak-Son Jin
Influence of Volume of Air on the Muzzle Velocity of the Projectile
K. Kamran and M.A. Iqbal
Comparative Study of Free Vibration for Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Composite Plates Based on Various Higher-Order Plate Theories
Deliang Chen, Lu Zhou, and Xiongfeng Peng
Study on the Effect of Relaxation Time and Mode-I Crack on the Wave through the Magneto-Thermoelasticity Medium with Two Temperatures
S.M. Abo-Dahab, K. Lotfy, M.E. Gabr, M.A. Aiyashi, M.D. Albalwi, and A. Jahangir
Study on Plastic Penetration Behavior and Penetration Model of Spherical Tungsten Alloy Projectile
T.L. Liu, Y.X. Xu, J. Ren, Y.P. Li, and Y.F. Wang
New Enriched Beam Element for Static Bending Analysis of Functionally Graded Porous Beams Resting on Elastic Foundations
M.H. Ghazwani
SH-Wave-Induced Crack Propagation in a Magnetoelastic Material under Initial Stress
K. Hemalatha, S. Kumar, and S. Ahamad
Transient Response of a Nonlocal Viscoelastic Cylinder with Double Porosity
Dinesh Kumar Sharma, Nisha Rana, and Nantu Sarkar
Volume: 58 • Number: 5 • Year: 2023 • Total articles: 35<< Previous issue | Next issue >>
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