Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
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IssuesArchive of Issues2021-8pp.1599-1610

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A.M. Formalskii, P.A. Kruchinin, and K.L. Voitsitskaya, "Stabilization of a Double Inverted Pendulum Installed on a Seesaw," Mech. Solids. 56 (8), 1599-1610 (2021)
Year 2021 Volume 56 Number 8 Pages 1599-1610
DOI 10.3103/S0025654421080070
Title Stabilization of a Double Inverted Pendulum Installed on a Seesaw
Author(s) A.M. Formalskii (Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia,
P.A. Kruchinin (Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia,
K.L. Voitsitskaya (Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia)
Abstract The problem of synthesizing a control law to stabilize a double inverted pendulum installed on a seesaw is considered. The movement of such kind of pendulums in the vertical plane is studied. The seesaw is a segment of a cylinder whose axis is horizontal. This cylindrical segment may perform oscillations while rolling on the horizontal surface without slipping. The lower (first) link of the pendulum is fastened to the seesaw by a cylindrical joint. The axis of this joint is parallel to the cylinder axis as well as to that of the interlink joint. A control torque, whose absolute value is bounded, is applied to the pendulum at the interlink joint. Thus, the system described above has three degrees of freedom and a single control action. Without control, the open-loop system has an unstable equilibrium position, in which both links of the pendulum are directed vertically upwards, and the seesaw is not tilted. Control stabilizing the desired unstable equilibrium is performed in the feedback form with respect to two “unstable” Jordan variables of the open-loop linearized system so as to make, if possible, the attraction domain of the system maximal. Some properties of the controllability and attraction domains are studied. The results of numerical studies are presented.
Keywords double inverted pendulum, seesaw, controllability domain, attraction domain, stabilization
Received 07 April 2021Revised 24 August 2021Accepted 10 September 2021
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