| | Mechanics of Solids A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544 Online ISSN 1934-7936 |
Archive of Issues
Total articles in the database: | | 13011 |
In Russian (Èçâ. ÐÀÍ. ÌÒÒ): | | 8096
In English (Mech. Solids): | | 4915 |
| Table of Contents | |
| Spatial effect of inertness of elastic waves on a sphere Zhuravlev V.Ph. and Klimov D.M. | 293-295 |
| Effective elastic moduli of perforated plates containing a rectangular lattice of circular holes Lavrent'ev S.Yu., Mokryakov V.V., and Chentsov A.V. | 296-300 |
| Application of the finite fracture mechanics approach to assess the failure of a quasi-brittle material with a circular hole Suknev S.V. | 301-311 |
| Vibroacoustic effect of filling defects in rods and plates Lebedev I.M., Perelmuter M.N., Popov A.L., Chelyubeev D.A., and Shifrin E.I. | 312-319 |
| Evolution of motion of a solid suspended on a thread in a homogeneous gravity field Markeev A.P. | 320-325 |
| Application of neural networks for modeling shock-wave processes in aluminum Gracheva N.A., Lekanov M.V., Mayer A.E., and Fomin E.V. | 326-342 |
| On an elliptical plate flutter Algazin S.D. and Ingtem J.G. | 343-348 |
| On the balance of an inextensible heavy thread on a cone or sphere Rosenblat G.M. | 349-367 |
| Plastic torsion at high pressure with non-uniform stress state Sevast'yanov G.M. | 368-375 |
| Underground explosion action: rapid expansion of a spherical cavity in an elastic medium Israilov M.Sh. and Hamidou H. | 376-391 |
| Numerical-analytical method for searching for the autorotations of a mechanical system with two rotational degrees of freedom Klimina L.A., Masterova A.A., Samsonov V.A., and Selyutskiy Yu.D. | 392-403 |
| Analogy between the equations of elasticity and the general theory of relativity Vasiliev V.V. and Fedorov L.V. | 404-413 |
| Thermomechanical study of high-density polyethylene after plastic deformation under high pressure Zhorin V.A. and Kiselev M.R. | 414-420 |
| Broad and low frequency bandgap in truss core sandwich beam Liang Sun, Jianjun Li, and Yougang Xiao | 421-429 |
| Proper generalized decomposition method for stress analysis of functionally graded materials Guang Tao Xu and Shao Kang Wu | 430-442 |
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