Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
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IssuesArchive of Issues2017-1pp.81-94

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S.M. Afonin, "Parametric Block Diagrams of a Multi-Layer Piezoelectric Transducer of Nano- and Microdisplacements under Transverse Piezoelectric Effect," Mech. Solids. 52 (1), 81-94 (2017)
Year 2017 Volume 52 Number 1 Pages 81-94
DOI 10.3103/S0025654417010101
Title Parametric Block Diagrams of a Multi-Layer Piezoelectric Transducer of Nano- and Microdisplacements under Transverse Piezoelectric Effect
Author(s) S.M. Afonin (National Research University of Electronic Technology, Proezd 4806, 5, Zelenograd, Moscow, 124498 Russia,
Abstract A structural-parametric model and parametric block diagrams of a piezoelectric transducer in the transverse piezoelectric effect are obtained with regard to the counter-electromotive force. The transfer functions of the multi-layer piezoelectric transducer of nano- and microdisplacements are determined with regard to the influence of geometric and physical parameters of the multi-layer piezoelectric transducer, the counter-electromotive force, and the external load.
Keywords multi-layer piezoelectric transduce, nano- and microdisplacements, transverse piezoelectric effect, counter-electromotive force, elastic compliance, piezoelectric transducer rigidity, parametric block diagrams, transfer functions
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Received 24 January 2014
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