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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2014-5pp.543-560

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D.L. Bykov, A.V. Kazakov, D.N. Konovalov, V.P. Mel'nikov, Yu.M. Milyokhin, V.A. Peleshko, and D.N. Sadovnichii, "Law of Damage Accumulation and Fracture Criteria in Highly Filled Polymer Materials," Mech. Solids. 49 (5), 543-560 (2014)
Year 2014 Volume 49 Number 5 Pages 543-560
DOI 10.3103/S0025654414050069
Title Law of Damage Accumulation and Fracture Criteria in Highly Filled Polymer Materials
Author(s) D.L. Bykov (Central Scientific Research Institute for Engineering (TsNIIMash), ul. Pionerskaya 4, Korolev, Moscow Oblast, 141070 Russia,
A.V. Kazakov (Central Scientific Research Institute for Engineering (TsNIIMash), ul. Pionerskaya 4, Korolev, Moscow Oblast, 141070 Russia,
D.N. Konovalov (OT-Kontakt Ltd., ul. Aviamotornaya 2, Moscow, 111020 Russia,
V.P. Mel'nikov (The Federal Centre for Dual-Use Technologies "Soyuz," ul. Akademika Zhukova 42, Dzerzhinsky, Moscow oblast, 140090 Russia,
Yu.M. Milyokhin (, The Federal Centre for Dual-Use Technolo)
V.A. Peleshko (Central Scientific Research Institute for Engineering (TsNIIMash), ul. Pionerskaya 4, Korolev, Moscow Oblast, 141070 Russia,
D.N. Sadovnichii (The Federal Centre for Dual-Use Technologies "Soyuz," ul. Akademika Zhukova 42, Dzerzhinsky, Moscow oblast, 140090 Russia)
Abstract We present the results of a large series of experiments aimed at the study of laws of damage accumulation and fracture in highly filled polymer materials under loading conditions of various types: monotone, repeated, low- and high-cycle, with varying type of stress state, dynamic (in general, more than 50 programs implemented on specimens from one lot of material). The data obtained in these test allow one to make conclusions about the constitutive role of the attained maximum of strain intensity when estimating the accumulated damage in the process of uniaxial tension by various programs (in particular, an additional cyclic deformation below the preliminary attained strain maximum does not affect the limit values of strain and stress in the subsequent active extension), about the strong influence of the stress state on the deformation and fracture, about the specific features of the nonlinear behavior of the material under the shock loading conditions and its influence on the repeated deformation.

All tests are described (with an accuracy acceptable in practical calculations, both with respect to stresses and strains in the process of loading and at the moment of fracture) in the framework of the same model of nonlinear viscoelasticity with the same set of constants. The constants of the proposed model are calculated according to a relatively simple algorithm by using the results of standard uniaxial tension tests with constant values of the strain rate and hydrostatic pressure (each test for 2-3 levels of these parameters chosen from the ranges proposed in applications, each loading lasts until the fracture occurs, and one of the tests contains an intermediate interval of total loading and repeated loading) and one axial shock compression test if there are dynamic problems in the applications. The model is based on the use of the criterion fracture parameter which, in the class of proportional loading processes, is the sum of partial increments of the strain intensity on active segments of the process (where the strain intensity is at its historical maximum) with the form of the stress state and the intensity of strain rates taken into account.
Keywords highly filled polymer materials, tests, constitutive relations, damage accumulation, fracture criterion
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Received 29 May 2014
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