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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2014-6pp.623-634

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E.B. Zaretskii, "High-Temperature Phase Transitions. Properties and Equilibrium of Phases under Shock-Wave Loading," Mech. Solids. 49 (6), 623-634 (2014)
Year 2014 Volume 49 Number 6 Pages 623-634
DOI 10.3103/S002565441406003X
Title High-Temperature Phase Transitions. Properties and Equilibrium of Phases under Shock-Wave Loading
Author(s) E.B. Zaretskii (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O. Box 653, Beer Sheva, 84105 Israel,
Abstract Introducing the temperature as a parameter in the shock-wave experiment can significantly enlarge the scope of phenomena that can be studied. The influence of temperature on the elastoplastic processes accompanying the high-rate deformation and the phase transitions in shock waves is nontrivial and far from complete understanding. The currently existing experimental technique with laser Doppler diagnostics of specimens heated to 1400 K has already been successfully used to study the influence of temperature on the shock-wave behavior and the "dynamic" phase diagrams of both pure metal elements (U, Ti, Fe, Co, Ag, Cu) and ionic and covalent compounds (KCl, KBr, Al2O3). These studies showed the typical behavior, which was first discovered by Kanel and his colleagues for pure fcc (Al, As, Co, Cu) and some other (Sn, U) metals and ionic crystals under shock-wave loading, is that their shear strength increases with temperature. At the same time, similar "thermal strengthening" was not discovered in pure metals with bcc lattice. Sharp anomalies of (both shear and spallation) strength were observed near various phase transitions (polymorphic, magnetic, and related to melting). These studies showed that the shear strength of a pure metal increases by 50−100% near the phase boundary (i.e., the line of phase transitions of the first kind). At the same time, the presence of a trace amount (~0.5%) of any impurity can lead to a fivefold decrease in the strength, as in the case of technically pure nickel near its Curie point. The same experimental technique used to study the shear stress relaxation in shock-wave loaded specimens can be extremely useful when studying mechanisms responsible for these anomalies.
Keywords phase transition, shear strength, temperature
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Received 13 August 2014
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