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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2013-2pp.168-177

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V.P. Legeza, "Efficiency of a Vibroprotection System with an Isochronous Roller Damper," Mech. Solids. 48 (2), 168-177 (2013)
Year 2013 Volume 48 Number 2 Pages 168-177
DOI 10.3103/S0025654413010088
Title Efficiency of a Vibroprotection System with an Isochronous Roller Damper
Author(s) V.P. Legeza (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences, Heroyiv Oborony 15, Kiev, 03041 Ukraine,
Abstract Low-frequency vibrations of a vibroprotection "roller damper-movable bearing body" system of rigid bodies under the action of an external harmonic excitation are considered. The working surface of the damper working body is formed by a brachistochrone. The dynamic equations of common no-slip motion of the damper working body on a hinged roller and of the bearing body are formulated. The roller damper tuning parameters are determined.
Keywords vibroprotection system, kinematic constraints, isochronous roller damper, bearing body, working body, brachistochrone, no-slip rolling, amplitude-frequency characteristic, tuning parameters
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17.  V. P. Legeza, N. I. Bobyr', and M. A. Martynenko, "Roller Damper of Forced Vibrations of High-Rise Structures," Patent of Ukraine Patent No. 58981A (15 August 2003), F16 F7/10, E04 B1/98, Bulletin No. 8.
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Received 24 October 2010
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