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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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IssuesArchive of Issues2013-2pp.156-164

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Yu.M. Zabolotnov and D.V. Elenev, "Stability of Motion of Two Rigid Bodies Connected by a Cable in the Atmosphere," Mech. Solids. 48 (2), 156-164 (2013)
Year 2013 Volume 48 Number 2 Pages 156-164
DOI 10.3103/S0025654413020064
Title Stability of Motion of Two Rigid Bodies Connected by a Cable in the Atmosphere
Author(s) Yu.M. Zabolotnov (Korolyov Samara State Aerospace University, Moskovskoe sh. 34, Samara, 443086 Russia,
D.V. Elenev (Korolyov Samara State Aerospace University, Moskovskoe sh. 34, Samara, 443086 Russia,
Abstract The spatial motion of two rigid bodies connected by a weightless inextensible cable in the atmosphere is considered. They are assumed to be bodies of revolution with static and dynamic symmetry. The condition of static stability of the system angular motion with respect to the direction of the incident airflow velocity vector is written out and analyzed. The influence of gyroscopic terms and damping moments on the stability condition is studied. An example of analysis of motion in the atmosphere of two connected bodies that are cones with a spherical tip is given. It is shown that the stable motion in the atmosphere can always be ensured by an appropriate matched choice of the parameters of the entire system on the basis of the obtained stability conditions. A numerical example of estimating the cable tension forces arising as the system descends on a ballistic trajectory in the atmosphere is presented.
Keywords stability, motion, atmosphere, cable, rigid body, system, moment, frequency
1.  Yu. M. Zabolotnov and D. V. Elenev, "Motion in an Atmosphere of Tether System "Landing Module-Aerodynamic Stabilizer," Izv. Samar. Nauchn. Tsentra Ross. Akad. Nauk 8 (3), 833-840 (2006).
2.  A. A. Dmitrievskii, L. N. Lysenko, and S. S. Bogodistov, Exterior Ballistics (Mashinostroenie, Moscow, 1991) [in Russian].
3.  A. Khaifeks and V. Sarik, "Studies of Rotating Asymmetric Bodies with Nonlinear Aerodynamic Characteristics," Raketn. Tekhn. Kosm. 10 (8), 38-47 (1972).
4.  Yu. M. Zabolotnov, "Asymptotic Analysis of Quasilinear Equations of Motion of a Spacecraft with Small Symmetry in the Atmosphere," Kosmich. Issled. 31 (6), 39-50 (1993) [Cosmic. Res. (Engl. Transl.)].
5.  A. A. Shilov and A. F. Vasiliev, "Dynamic Stability of Aircraft Spatial Motion at Large Angles of Attack for Some Types of Inertial-Aerodynamic Asymmetry," Trudy TsAGI, No. 1345 (1971).
6.  D. R. Merkin, Introduction to Theory of Stability of Motion (Nauka, Moscow, 1971) [in Russian].
7.  N. S. Arzhanikov and G. S. Sadekova, Aerodynamics of Aircrafts (Vysshaya Shkola,, Moscow, 1983) [in Russian].
8.  V. A. Yaroshevskii, Motion of Uncontrolled Bodies in the Atmosphere (Mashinostroenie, Moscow, 1978) [in Russian].
Received 31 October 2010
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