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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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IssuesArchive of Issues2012-5pp.525-532

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A.M. Krivtsov, O.S. Loboda, and S.S. Khakalo, "Comparison of Micromodels Describing the Elastic Properties of Diamond," Mech. Solids. 47 (5), 525-532 (2012)
Year 2012 Volume 47 Number 5 Pages 525-532
DOI 10.3103/S0025654412050056
Title Comparison of Micromodels Describing the Elastic Properties of Diamond
Author(s) A.M. Krivtsov (Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences, Bol'shoy pr-t 61, St. Petersburg, 199178 Russia,
O.S. Loboda (Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Polytekhnicheskaya 29, St. Petersburg, 195251 Russia,
S.S. Khakalo (Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Polytekhnicheskaya 29, St. Petersburg, 195251 Russia)
Abstract A mechanical model of diatomic crystal lattice with force interaction between atoms and angular interaction between bonds taken into account is proposed. Some relations between the macroscopic moduli of elasticity and the microparameters of the longitudinal rigidity of interatomic bonds and of the angular interaction rigidity are obtained for crystals with diamond lattice. Comparison with experimental data and with other theories describing similar lattices is conducted by using two constants at the microlevel.
Keywords elastic properties, diamond structure, angular interaction, mechanical model
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Received 20 June 2012
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