| | Mechanics of Solids A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544 Online ISSN 1934-7936 |
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<< Previous article | Volume 44, Issue 6 / 2009 | Next article >> |
S. S. Bkhattacharya, O. I. Bylya, R. A. Vasin, and K. A. Padmanabhan, "Mechanical Behavior of Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V with Unprepared Microstructure under Jumpwise Variations of the Strain Rate in the Superplastic State," Mech. Solids. 44 (6), 951-958 (2009) |
Year |
2009 |
Volume |
44 |
Number |
6 |
Pages |
951-958 |
10.3103/S0025654409060120 |
Title |
Mechanical Behavior of Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V with Unprepared Microstructure under Jumpwise Variations of the Strain Rate in the Superplastic State |
Author(s) |
S. S. Bkhattacharya (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, 600036 India, ssb@iitm.ac.in)
O. I. Bylya (Institute of Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Michurinskii pr-t 1, Moscow, 119192 Russia, olga.bylya@mail.ru)
R. A. Vasin (Institute of Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Michurinskii pr-t 1, Moscow, 119192 Russia, prof.vasin@mail.ru)
K. A. Padmanabhan (Anna University Chennai, Chennai, 600025 India, ananthaster@gmail.com) |
Abstract |
We present the results of extension tests with superplastic specimens made of structural titanium alloy with unprepared (coarse-grained) microstructure. The tests were performed at a constant temperature and constant or piecewise constant strain rate. It was shown that, in the case of a jumpwise decrease in the strain rate, the typical shape of the strain diagram depends on the test temperature. Some variations in the original microstructure are demonstrated. |
Keywords |
superplasticity, test, tension, titanium alloy, microstructure, jumpwise variation in the strain rate |
References |
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Received |
17 October 2007 |
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