Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
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IssuesArchive of Issues2007-4pp.563-567

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L. A. Maksimova, "Linearized equations of spatial statically determinate states in the theory of ideal plasticity," Mech. Solids. 42 (4), 563-567 (2007)
Year 2007 Volume 42 Number 4 Pages 563-567
Title Linearized equations of spatial statically determinate states in the theory of ideal plasticity
Author(s) L. A. Maksimova (Moscow State Mining University, Leninskii pr-t 6, Moscow, 119991, Russia,
Abstract In the present paper, we consider linearized statically determinate relations in the theory of ideal plasticity for the case in which the full plasticity condition does not hold. We analyze the type of the equations under study. We note that the linearized equations under the full plasticity condition were considered in [1–3].
1.  D. D. Ivlev, "On Equations of Linearized Spatial Problems in the Theory of Ideal Plasticity," Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 130 (6), 1232-1235 (1960) [Soviet Math. Dokl. (Engl. Transl.)].
2.  L. A. Maksimova, "On Linearized Equations of Space Flow Ideal Plastic Bodies," Dokl. Ross. Akad. Nauk 358 (6), 772-773 (1998) [Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. (Engl. Transl.)].
3.  D. D. Ivlev and M. V. Mikhailova, "On Linearized Equations of Statically Determinate Relations of the Theory of Ideal Plasticity," Dokl. Ross. Akad. Nauk 391 (6), 769-771 (2003) [Russian Acad. Sci. Dokl. Math. (Engl. Transl.)].
4.  D. D. Ivlev and G. I. Bykovtsev, Theory of a Reinforced Plastic Body (Nauka, Moscow, 1971) [in Russian].
5.  T. Thomas, Plastic Flow and Failure in Solids (Academic Press, New York, 1961; Mir, Moscow, 1964).
6.  D. D. Ivlev, Theory of Ideal Plasticity (Nauka, Moscow, 1966) [in Russian].
7.  A. Yu. Ishlinskii and D. D. Ivlev, Mathematical Theory of Plasticity (Fizmatgiz, Moscow, 2001) [in Russian].
Received 15 April 2004
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