| | Mechanics of Solids A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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<< Previous article | Volume 41, Issue 4 / 2006 | Next article >> |
E. K. Uzbek, "Semiregular second type precessions of a gyrostat acted upon by potential and gyroscopic forces," Mech. Solids. 41 (4), 21-28 (2006) |
Year |
2006 |
Volume |
41 |
Number |
4 |
Pages |
21-28 |
Title |
Semiregular second type precessions of a gyrostat acted upon by potential and gyroscopic forces |
Author(s) |
E. K. Uzbek (Donetsk) |
Abstract |
We study conditions for the existence of precession motions of a gyrostat
with a fixed point under the constant spin velocity condition in a problem
described by differential equations of the Kirchhoff class [1, 2]. We
obtain new cases of such motions which complete the results obtained
in [3, 4] and correspond to new solutions of the equations of motion.
The precession motions of a gyrostat with a fixed point, whose property is
that the angle between the axes l1 and l2 is constant (l1 is
always attached to the gyrostat and l2 is immovable in space), are
widely used in the theory of gyro systems, which is very important in
engineering. Ishlinskii([5, p. 353] noted: "After the nutation dies, the
further slow motion of the rotor axis, known as precession, agrees with
the precession equations in gyro theory very accurately..." A classical
example of precession motion is the regular precession of the Lagrange gyro
around the vertical axis in the gravitational field. Precessions of
nonsymmetric bodies were studied by Appelrot [6] and Grioli [7]. Appelrot
proved that the gyros similar to the Kovalevskaya gyro and the
Goryachev-Chaplygin gyro cannot have precession motions other than
pendulum motions. Grioli discovered regular precession of a nonsymmetric
body around an inclined axis. In the problem of motion of a heavy rigid
body with a fixed point and in its various generalizations, many results
were obtained by Gorr (e.g., see [3, 8-10]). Most of them pertain to the
study of precessions in the problem of gyrostat motion under the action of
electric, magnetic, and Newtonian fields on a magnetized and charged
gyrostat [2]. The most interesting point in the study of precession is that
it is described by the Kirchhoff type differential equations [1, 2] and, by
the hydrodynamic analogy, all results can be transferred to the problem on
the motion of a heavy rigid body in an ideal incompressible fluid.
At present, all regular precessions [11] and first type semiregular
precessions [12, 13] in this problem have been studied completely. Second
type semiregular precessions have been studied only in several special
cases [3, 4]. In the present paper, these precessions are studied for an
admissible special parametrization of one of the algebraic equations
determining the existence conditions for this class of precessions. |
References |
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2. | H. M. Yehia,
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5. | A. Yu. Ishlinskii, Orientation, Gyroscopes, and Inertial Navigation [in Russian],
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7. | G. Grioli,
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11. | G. V. Gorr and N. V. Kurganskii,
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PMM [Applied Mathematics and Mechanics], Vol. 4, No. 11, pp. 95-100, 1968. |
Received |
30 June 2004 |
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