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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
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IssuesArchive of Issues2006-2pp.26-35

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D. D. Zakharov, "Flexural edge waves in laminated anisotropic media," Mech. Solids. 41 (2), 26-35 (2006)
Year 2006 Volume 41 Number 2 Pages 26-35
Title Flexural edge waves in laminated anisotropic media
Author(s) D. D. Zakharov (Moscow)
Abstract Rayleigh-type flexural waves localized near the edge of a thin anisotropic laminate (plate) are studied. General-type anisotropy of the layers is allowed for, with symmetric or non-symmetric laminate structure across its thickness. For both types of the laminate structure, oscillatory decay of propagating waves is observed. It is shown that for a symmetrically structured laminate, the power flux can change in sign and standing waves can appear for some particular anisotropy types. The reason for which the Leontovich-Lighthill theorem does not hold is discussed.
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3.  M. V. Belubekyan and I. A. Engibaryan, "Waves localized along the free edge of a plate with cubic symmetry," Izv. AN. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 6, pp. 139-143, 1996.
4.  P. Chadwick and G. D. Smith, "Foundations of the theory of surface waves in anisotropic elastic materials," In: Advances in Appl. Mechanics, Vol. 17, pp. 303-376, Academic Press, New York, 1977.
5.  A. N. Norris, "Flexural edge waves," J. Sound and Vibration, Vol. 174, No. 4, pp. 571-573, 1994.
6.  D. D. Zakharov and W. Becker, "Rayleigh type bending waves in anisotropic media," J. Sound and Vibration, Vol. 261, No. 5, pp. 805-818, 2003.
7.  I. Thompson, I. D. Abrahams, and A. N. Norris, "On the existence of flexural edge waves on thin orthotropic plates," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 112, pp. 1756-1765, 2002.
8.  Y. B. Fu, "Existence and uniqueness of edge waves in a generally anisotropic elastic plate," Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math., Vol. 56, pp. 605-616, 2003.
9.  D. D. Zakharov, "Analysis of the acoustical edge flexural mode in a plate using refined asymptotics," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 116, pp. 872-878, 2004.
10.  D. D. Zakharov, "Two-dimensional dynamic equations of a thin asymmetrically laminated generally anisotropic elastic plate," Doklady RAN, Vol. 336, No. 5, pp. 378-380, 1994.
11.  S. G. Lekhnitskii, Anisotropic Plates [in Russian], Gostekhizdat, Moscow, 1957.
12.  D. D. Zakharov and W. Becker, "2D problems of thin asymmetric laminates," ZAMP, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 49-66, 2000.
13.  D. D. Zakharov, "Statement of the boundary-value static problems for thin asymmetrically laminated anisotropic plates and their solution using the functions of a complex variable," PMM [Applied Mathematics and Mechanics], No. 59, No. 4, pp. 615-623, 1995.
14.  D. D. Zakharov, "Generalized orthogonality relations for the eigenfunctions in three-dimensional problems of elastic layer dynamics," Izv. AN SSSR. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 6, pp. 62-68, 1988.
Received 12 March 2003
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