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in January 1966
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R. V. Goldstein, V. M. Kozintsev, A. V. Podlesnykh, A. L. Popov, and D. A. Chelyubeev, "A method of electronic speckle pattern interferometry for solving some inverse problems of mechanics of elastic bodies," Mech. Solids. 41 (2), 1-9 (2006)
Year 2006 Volume 41 Number 2 Pages 1-9
Title A method of electronic speckle pattern interferometry for solving some inverse problems of mechanics of elastic bodies
Author(s) R. V. Goldstein (Moscow)
V. M. Kozintsev (Moscow)
A. V. Podlesnykh (Moscow)
A. L. Popov (Moscow)
D. A. Chelyubeev (Moscow)
Abstract Theoretical and experimental techniques are presented for solving some inverse problems of mechanics of elastic bodies associated with the diagnostics of the delamination of thin coatings applied to the substrate body, the identification of mechanical characteristics of the coating material and shrinkage stresses in the coatings, and the determination of the magnitude and the place of application of the local load acting on the substrate. These characteristics are determined on the basis of small displacements of the surface of the object observed by means of an electronic speckle interferometer as a system of interference bands.

Theoretical solutions of inverse problems of elasticity in which, for example, the applied loads are to be restored for a given displacement field are based on the displacement functions defined in elastic bodies. A specific feature of the inverse problems of elasticity is that various loads of the body can lead to the same stress-strain state. Such problems are ill-posed. In problems of this type, important are the accuracy of measurement of the displacement field to be detected and additional information that sheds light on the nature of the applied loads. The experimental component, laser-computer interferometry, involved in the technique for solving inverse problems enables small elastic displacements of the body to be measured with high degree of accuracy.

In the present study, such an approach is utilized for solving a series of inverse problems related to the diagnostics of the delamination of thin coatings. This study continues the investigation of the delamination of thin coatings that has been started in [1] and extend them to the case of multi-layered coatings and 2D plate-like model of the substrate. To identify the delamination, we utilize the difference in the deformation of delaminated and non-delaminated segments that manifests itself when bending the substrate. A mathematical model of such differences is constructed for bending of a multi-layered coating on a round plate-like substrate. The delamination of the coating is modeled by a hemisphere of small radius and the bending load by a normal point force applied eccentrically. In parallel, the residual shrinkage stresses appearing during the application of the coating on the substrate and the mechanical characteristics of the substrate material were determined. When doing so, we partly utilized the concepts that have been laid in the classical study by Stoney [2] and then developed in [3].

At the experimental stage, the electronic speckle pattern interferometry technique was utilized to measure small displacements of the substrate and coating. When matching the speckle images of the initial and bent coated plates, the difference in the displacements in the non-delaminated and delaminated portions of the coating manifests itself by local irregularities of the system of bands of the resulting interferogram. These bands correspond to the lines of equal deflections of the substrate plate. The ability of the inverse problem for the plate bending, i.e., that of determining the magnitude and the point of application of the force acting on the plate proceeding from the number and configuration of the interference bands, to be solved theoretically and experimentally was investigated. In this case, the plate subject to loading can serve as a sensing element. This, in addition, enables one to define the possibilities for this approach to be utilized as a method for contactless determination of forces and pressures in various devices and structures. By adjusting the geometrical parameters (diameter and thickness) of the plate one can provide the desired sensitivity with respect to the quantities to be measured.
1.  R. V. Goldstein, V. M. Kozintsev, A. L. Popov, and G. N. Chernyshev, "An experimental-theoretical method for the detection of detachments of thin coatings," PMM [Applied Mathematics and Mechanics], Vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 332-336, 2000.
2.  G. G. Stoney, "The tension of metallic films deposited by electrolysis," Proc. Roy. Soc. London. Ser. A, Vol. 82, No. 553, pp. 172-175, 1909.
3.  V. G. Fokin, "Residual stresses and hogging due to the coating shrinkage," Vestnik SamGTU. Ser. Tekn. Nauki, No. 10, pp. 40-45, 2000.
4.  I. A. Birger and Ya. G. Panovko (Editors), Strength. Stability. Vibrations. A Handbook. Volume 1 [in Russian], Mashinostroenie, Moscow, 1968.
5.  R. V. Goldstein, V. M. Kozintsev, A. V. Podlesnykh, et al., Multilayered Thin Coatings and Their Diagnostics by Means of Laser-computer Interferometry. Preprint No. 741 [in Russian], In-t Problem Mekhaniki RAN, Moscow, 2003.
6.  S. Timoshenko and S. Woinowsky-Krieger, Theory of Plates and Shells, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959.
7.  B. S. Kasatkin, A. B. Kudrin, L. M. Lobanov, et al., Experimental Methods for Studying Strains and Stresses: A Handbook [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1981.
Received 07 October 2005
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