| | Mechanics of Solids A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences | | Founded
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544 Online ISSN 1934-7936 |
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<< Previous article | Volume 41, Issue 4 / 2006 | Next article >> |
"The 60th birthday of Professor Yu. G. Martynenko," Mech. Solids. 41 (4), 146-146 (2006) |
Year |
2006 |
Volume |
41 |
Number |
4 |
Pages |
146-146 |
Title |
The 60th birthday of Professor Yu. G. Martynenko |
Author(s) |
Abstract |
Yurii Grigorievich Martynenko, who was born on September 19, 1945, has
celebrated his sixtieth birthday. He is a member of the editorial board of
the journal "Izvestiya RAN. Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela", head of a
laboratory at Lomonosov Moscow State University, doctor of
physical-mathematical sciences, professor, Honoured Scientist of the
Russian Federation, an active member of the International Academy of
Sciences of Higher School and of the Academy of Navigation and Motion
Control, President of the Scientific-Methodological Council in Theoretical
Mechanics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian
Federation, and winner of A. A. Andronov's prize of the Russian Academy of
Martynenko's studies are devoted to mechanics of gyroscopic and
navigational systems, dynamics of solid bodies in electromagnetic fields,
robotics, and mechatronics. Martynenko heads the leading scientific school
"Intellectual robots and mechatronic systems." He developed new methods
for solving simultaneous systems of electrodynamic equations and equations
of motion of solid bodies, created the theory of motion of solids with
electrostatic bearing, and proposed new approaches in the theory of
singularly perturbed differential equations. He obtained conditions under
which the precession equations of gyroscopic systems can be used correctly
and the stability conditions for steady-state rotations of conducting
solids in homogeneous and inhomogeneous magnetic fields in the case of
large and small depths of the field penetration into the semiconductor.
Martynenko found one of the most complete solutions of the problem of the
influence of eddy currents on the orientation of a conducting satellite in
the magnetic field of the Earth. He developed methods for controlling
unstable mechatronic systems with deficiency of controlling actions and
boundedness of control resources and constructed a mathematical model of a
single-wheel mobile robot with gyroscopic stabilization system. Martynenko
developed an artificial tactile mechanoreceptor for the force-moment
sensing of robotics and biomechatronic systems.
Martynenko leads teaching work at the chair of Applied Mechanics and
Control, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University,
and the chair of Theoretical Mechanics and Mechatronics at Moscow Power
Engineering Institute. He is one of the authors of the new educational
technology intended to construct mobile robots for participating in the
robotics competitions.
There are 18 Candidates and 3 Doctors of sciences among his students.
Martynenko published more than 160 scientific papers.
The editorial board and the editorial staff of the journal "Mekhanika
Tverdogo Tela" heartily congratulates Yurii Grigorievich and wishes him
strong health and many new creative achievements. |
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