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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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IssuesArchive of Issues2006-2pp.113-122

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O. V. Trifonov, "On the description of coupled processes of deformation and damage accumulation in structures subjected to intensive loads," Mech. Solids. 41 (2), 113-122 (2006)
Year 2006 Volume 41 Number 2 Pages 113-122
Title On the description of coupled processes of deformation and damage accumulation in structures subjected to intensive loads
Author(s) O. V. Trifonov (Moscow)
Abstract An approach to the description of coupled spatial inelastic deformation and failure of reinforced concrete structures is proposed. The system of constitutive relations is constructed assuming the existence of the load surface in the generalized force space and using the principle of normality of the increment vector of the inelastic components of the generalized strains to the load surface. The key difference between the proposed approach and the existing models is that the processes of damage accumulation and fracture development are taken into account explicitly. The introduction of the damage measures enables a better agreement with the experimental data to be achieved, it also provides a straightforward criterion which can be used to assess the current state of a structural element or the entire structure in the numerical simulations. The applicability of the proposed approach to complex deformation modes is demonstrated by comparing the model predictions with the experimental data on the spatial cyclic deformation of reinforced concrete columns. The approach developed is used to analyze the response of a multistory building to intensive seismic loads modeled by random processes and to obtain possible failure modes of such structures.
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Received 10 October 2005
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