Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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IssuesArchive of Issues2005-5pp.144-150

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L. N. Rabinskii, "Nonstationary diffraction of a plane acoustic pressure wave by a thin elliptic shell," Mech. Solids. 40 (5), 144-150 (2005)
Year 2005 Volume 40 Number 5 Pages 144-150
Title Nonstationary diffraction of a plane acoustic pressure wave by a thin elliptic shell
Author(s) L. N. Rabinskii (Moscow)
Abstract We consider the 2D problem of diffraction of a nonstationary plane oblique pressure wave by a thin elastic elliptic shell placed in an acoustic medium. To determine the hydrodynamic pressure acting on the shell, we use a transition function constructed on the basis of the modified thin layer assumption for shells of variable curvature [1-4]. The equations of motion of a Timoshenko shell are integrated by a finite-difference method using Matlab 6.5 [5].
1.  A. G. Gorshkov, V. I. Morozov, V. I. Ponomarev, and F. N. Shklyarchuk, Structural Aerohydroelasticity [in Russian], Fizmatlit, Moscow, 2000.
2.  A. N. Guz' and V. D. Kubenko, The Theory of Nonstationary Aerohydroelasticity of Shells [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1982.
3.  A. G. Gorshkov, O. V. Egorova, A. L. Medvedskii, and L. N. Rabinskii, "Plane problem of diffraction of a pressure acoustic wave on a curvilinear obstacle," Izv. AN. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 3, pp. 148-154, 2003.
4.  A. G. Gorshkov, S. I. Zhavoronok, A. L. Medvedskii, and L. N. Rabinskii, "Plane problems of diffraction of an acoustic pressure wave on a thin orthotropic panel placed in a rigid shield," Izv. AN. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 1, pp. 209-220, 2004.
5.  V. G. Potemkin, Matlab 6: A Design Environment for Engineering Applications [in Russian], Dialog-MEPhI, Moscow, 2003.
6.  A. G. Gorshkov, A. L. Medvedskii, L. N. Rabinskii, and D. V. Tarlakovskii, Waves in Continuous Media [in Russian], Fizmatlit, Moscow, 2004.
7.  V. D'yakonov, Maple 6: A Training Course [in Russian], Piter, St. Petersburg, 2001.
8.  N. S. Bakhvalov, N. P. Zhidkov, and G. M. Kobelkov, Numerical Methods [in Russian], BINOM, Moscow, 2003.
9.  A. A. Samarskii, Theory of Difference Schemes [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1983.
Received 28 April 2005
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