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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2005-2pp.121-128

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V. I. Astaf'ev and L. V. Stepanova, "The far-range asymptotic behavior of the stress field in the problem of crack growth in a creeping damaged medium," Mech. Solids. 40 (2), 121-128 (2005)
Year 2005 Volume 40 Number 2 Pages 121-128
Title The far-range asymptotic behavior of the stress field in the problem of crack growth in a creeping damaged medium
Author(s) V. I. Astaf'ev (Samara)
L. V. Stepanova (Samara)
Abstract Within the coupled formulation of creep theory and damage mechanics, an approximate solution describing the growth of an antiplane shear crack is obtained. The characteristic feature of the crack problems within the coupled (creep-damage) formulation is the presence of a damage accumulation region near the crack tip and (or) a region of a completely damaged material, in which all stress tensor components and the continuity parameter are equal to zero. Therefore, in addition to the stress-strain state, the investigation of the geometry of the region mentioned is of particular interest. The asymptotic expansions for stress tensor components and the continuity parameter far away from the crack tip are constructed (the far-range stress field asymptotics are obtained). The structure of the region of completely damaged material is presented for various exponents of the power law of creep and the kinetic equation governing the damage accumulation.
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Received 28 August 2003
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