Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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IssuesArchive of Issues2004-5pp.146-155

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L. I. Mogilevich and V. S. Popov, "Dynamics of interaction of an elastic cylinder with a layer of viscous incompressible fluid," Mech. Solids. 39 (5), 146-155 (2004)
Year 2004 Volume 39 Number 5 Pages 146-155
Title Dynamics of interaction of an elastic cylinder with a layer of viscous incompressible fluid
Author(s) L. I. Mogilevich (Saratov)
V. S. Popov (Saratov)
Abstract The dynamics of the "elastic cylinder-viscous incompressible fluid layer" system is investigated on the basis of formulating and solving a hydroelasticity problem and within the framework of a single-mass model. For two cases of end-surface outflow, the resonant oscillation frequencies are found for the "elastic shell-fluid layer" system and the single-mass system. A method for determining the single-mass system parameters which ensure the exact modeling of the resonant frequencies of the "elastic shell-fluid layer" system is proposed. The condition of the compensation of the shell elastic oscillation amplitudes by varying the parameters of the "elastic shell-fluid layer" system is formulated.
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10.  M. M. Filonenko-Borodich (Editor), Course in the Strength of Materials [in Russian], Gostekhizdat, Moscow, 1956.
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Received 05 April 2002
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