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A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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IssuesArchive of Issues2004-3pp.73-80

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A. G. Bagdoev and A. V. Shekoyan, "Nonlinear waves in a two-component viscous medium with voids," Mech. Solids. 39 (3), 73-80 (2004)
Year 2004 Volume 39 Number 3 Pages 73-80
Title Nonlinear waves in a two-component viscous medium with voids
Author(s) A. G. Bagdoev (Erevan)
A. V. Shekoyan (Erevan)
Abstract The propagation of a quasi-longitudinal nonlinear wave in a layer of the Biot medium containing voids which oscillate under the action of the wave is analyzed. Three-dimensional evolution equations are derived taking into account nonlinearities accounted for by the geometric and elastic hydrodynamic characteristics, the presence of the voids and interaction of the components. The nonlinear modulation equations taking into account nonlinear dissipation are obtained and solved within the framework of the theory of narrow beams.
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13.  A. G. Bagdoev and A. V. Shekoyan, "Nonlinear waves in a solid viscous medium with voids," Acust. Zh., Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 149-156, 1999.
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Received 28 November 2001
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