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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2004-2pp.89-98

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S. V. Zhizherin and V. V. Struzhanov, "Iteration methods and stability in the problem of uniform deformation of a sphere whose central zone is made of a material subject to damage," Mech. Solids. 39 (2), 89-98 (2004)
Year 2004 Volume 39 Number 2 Pages 89-98
Title Iteration methods and stability in the problem of uniform deformation of a sphere whose central zone is made of a material subject to damage
Author(s) S. V. Zhizherin (Ekaterinburg)
V. V. Struzhanov (Ekaterinburg)
Abstract Iteration methods are widely used for solving various nonlinear boundary-value problems of solid mechanics. Convergence of iteration procedures is a sufficient condition for the determination of a stress-strain state. If a procedure diverges, then the effect under consideration is not, as a rule, observed in the physical state of the body.

The most reasonable idea is that the divergence of iterations is associated with instability of the equilibrium of the body. This instability is caused by the appearance of regions containing a physically unstable material which does not satisfy the Drucker postulate. The instability of the material manifests itself in a descending portion with negative tangent on the stress-strain curve. The instability is associated with the process of softening caused by the growth of internal defects, which is equivalent to the decrease in the area of an effective cross-section actually carrying the load. In the macroscopic description of the behavior of such materials, the Drucker postulate is not satisfied [1]. The pronounced effect of strain softening is characteristic of structurally inhomogeneous materials, such as composites [2], concrete [3], and geomaterials [3, 4].

Models for the determination of the conditions of loss of stability of a body as a result of its deformation quite commonly use spherical regions of a softening material. For example, the author of [5] has analyzed the instability which causes an earth-quake by introducing a spherical zone of a softening geomaterial into the rock massif. The localization of strains into a spherical softening region is investigated in [6].

In the present study, the model with a softening spherical zone is used to establish the relationship between the divergence of iterations in calculating the stress state and the loss of stability of the equilibrium of the body. The uniform tension of a piecewise-homogeneous sphere in accordance with hard and soft schemes of loading is considered. An internal spherical region of this sphere is made of a material subject to damage which becomes softening at a certain value of the volume strain. First, the stresses and strains are calculated by using various iteration procedures chosen depending on the law of unloading of the material in the internal region. Then, the stability of deformation of this system is analyzed by using methods of the catastrophe theory. As a result, it is established that the beginning of the divergence of the iteration processes under consideration coincides with the instant of the loss of stability of deformation of the sphere, at which the stable equilibrium positions of the system change to unstable ones. Note that the obtained conditions of loss of stability coincide with those presented in [6] for a similar system, provided that the statements of the problems have been matched.
1.  Yu. N. Rabotnov, Mechanics of Solids [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1988.
2.  L. P. Horoshun and E. N. Shikula, "Deformation of composite materials with micro-fractures," Prikl. Mekhanika, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 52-58, 1996.
3.  G. Frantziskonis and C. S. Desai, "Constitutive model with strain softening," Intern. J. Solids and Struct., Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 52-58, 1987.
4.  I. V. Baklashov, Deformation and Fracture of Rock Massifs [in Russian], Nedra, Moscow, 1988.
5.  J. Rice, "The mechanics of earthquake rupture," in Proc. Intern. School of Physics "Enrico Fermi". Course 78 "Physics of the Earth's Interior". 1979. Italian Phys. Soc., pp. 555-649, Horth-Holland, Amsterdam, 1980.
6.  Z. P. Bažant, "Softening instability. P. II. Localization into ellipsoidal regions," Trans. ASME. J. Appl. Mech., Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 523-529, 1988.
7.  L. I. Sedov, Continuum Mechanics. Volume 2 [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1970.
8.  A. B. Kiselev and M. V. Yumashev, "Deformation and fracture under shock loading. A model of a thermoelastoplastic medium subject to damage," Zh. Prikl. Matematiki i Tekhn. Fiziki, No. 5, pp. 116-123, 1990.
9.  A. N. Kolmogorov and S. V. Fomin, Elements of the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow, 1989.
10.  V. V. Struzhanov, "On the fracture of a disk with a weakened central zone," Izv. AN USSR. MTT [Mechanics of Solids], No. 1, pp. 135-141, 1986.
11.  R. Gilmore, Applied Catastrophe Theory. Volume 1 [Russian translation], Mir, Moscow, 1984.
Received 12 July 2001
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