Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
Print ISSN 0025-6544
Online ISSN 1934-7936

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IssuesArchive of Issues2004-2pp.115-119

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Total articles in the database: 13011
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D. A. Vysokovskii and V. I. Shumeiko, "On some implications of the theory of prismatic shells," Mech. Solids. 39 (2), 115-119 (2004)
Year 2004 Volume 39 Number 2 Pages 115-119
Title On some implications of the theory of prismatic shells
Author(s) D. A. Vysokovskii (Rostov-on-Don)
V. I. Shumeiko (Rostov-on-Don)
Abstract The theory of prismatic shells is briefly considered [1, 2]. It is shown that for a symmetric shell of constant thickness loaded only by normal load, the first approximation leads to the equation of transverse vibrations of a prismatic rod taking into account the influence of transverse shear [3], whereas the third approximation leads to the equations of the modified theory of isotropic plates [4].
1.  I. N. Vekua, "On a method of calculation of prismatic shells," Tr. Tbil. Mat. In-ta, Vol. 21, pp. 191-295, 1955.
2.  I. N. Vekua, "On two methods of constructing the consistent theory of elastic shells," in Proceedings of 1st All-Union School on the Theory and Numerical Methods of Calculation of Shells and Plates [in Russian], pp. 5-50, Izd-vo Tbil. Un-ta, Tbilisi, 1975.
3.  S. P. Timoshenko, Static and Dynamic Problems of Elasticity [Russian translation], Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1975.
4.  E. Reissner, "A twelvth order theory of transverse bending of transversely isotropic plates," ZAMM, Bd. 63, H. 7, pp. 285-289, 1983.
Received 03 October 2001
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