Mechanics of Solids (about journal) Mechanics of Solids
A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences
in January 1966
Issued 6 times a year
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IssuesArchive of Issues2003-3pp.44-57

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D. V. Balandin, N. N. Bolotnik, and V. A. Parfenov, "Optimization of parameters of shock isolators for a system with two degrees of freedom," Mech. Solids. 38 (3), 44-57 (2003)
Year 2003 Volume 38 Number 3 Pages 44-57
Title Optimization of parameters of shock isolators for a system with two degrees of freedom
Author(s) D. V. Balandin (Nizhni Novgorod)
N. N. Bolotnik (Moscow)
V. A. Parfenov (Moscow)
Abstract The problem of optimal shock isolation is discussed for objects modeled by a system of two bodies connected by a linear viscoelastic element. We state the general optimization problem and two important particular cases-the problem of limiting capabilities of shock isolation and the problem of parametric synthesis of shock isolators. Optimal parameters are determined for passive isolators consisting of a spring and a viscous-friction or dry-friction damper. Minimized is the peak displacement of the body connected to the base subject to shock disturbance, provided that the force of interaction between the components of the object does not exceed a prescribed maximum admissible value. For each type of the isolator, the optimal value of the performance index to be minimized is compared with the absolute minimum that results from the limiting performance analysis of isolation of the shock disturbance of a given type. A relation of the problems considered in the present paper to the problem of optimization of equipment for the prevention of impact-induced injuries on transport, in industries, construction work, and sports is discussed.
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15.  J. R. Crandall, S. M. Kuppa, G. S. Klopp, G. W. Hall, S. R. Hurwitz, and W. D. Pilkey, "Injury mechanisms and criteria for human foot and ankle under axial impacts to the foot, Intern. J. Crashworthiness, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 147-161, 1998.
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Received 15 April 2002
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