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in January 1966
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IssuesArchive of Issues2003-3pp.155-156

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"The 70th birthday of Academician D. M. Klimov," Mech. Solids. 38 (3), 155-156 (2003)
Year 2003 Volume 38 Number 3 Pages 155-156
Title The 70th birthday of Academician D. M. Klimov
Abstract On July 13, 2003, Dmitry Mikhailovich Klimov, a Full Member (Academician) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, has celebrated his 70th birthday.

He is the Director of the Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, one of the leading institutes of the Department of Power Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics, and Control Processes of the Academy, a deputy Secretary Academician of this Department, the Secretary Academician during the previous elected term, and the Chairman of United Scientific Council on Complex Problem "Mechanics". These high positions in the Academy have been committed to Dmitry Mikhailovich as a scientist with great scientific authority and an organizer capable of solving problems important for the development of science in Russia with high responsibility.

D. M. Klimov is an author of about 200 scientific papers and 8 monographs. All these publications have been devoted to most topical problems of modern mechanics. Many of these publications have given solutions to specific problems that have determined advances of our country in science and technology, including the intensive stage of development of the rocket and space engineering.

Dmitry Mikhailovich Klimov was born in 1933 in the town of Likhoslavl' of Kalinin Region. His father, Mikhail Osipovich Klimov, was killed in 1942 in action near Rzhev. His mother, Tat'yana Ivanovna Antropova, a school teacher of mathematics, has brought up two children. She was highly respected among the teaching staff. She was twice elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

In 1955, Dmitry Mikhailovich graduated from the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Moscow State University and since 1955 to 1958 continued his education as a Ph.D. student at the Chair of Applied Mechanics. His Ph.D. research was advised by Academician Alexander Yul'evich Ishlinskii. He drew his student to solving practical problems related to the development of gyro systems of control of space rocket flight. Theory of balanced gyro, the basic device of the control system, was the subject matter of D. M. Klimov's Ph.D. thesis that he defended in 1959. He has found a method for integration of virtually complete equations of motion of a gyro in gimbals. This method is based on the fact that the deviation of the proper axis of the gyro is small, even when the angles of rotation of the base and the rings of the gimbals are finite. This made it possible to analyze in detail the influence of numerous different factors on the accuracy parameters of the device. It has been found out that to obtain a correct estimate of the accuracy it is necessary to take into account power characteristics of the motor, an eccentricity of the rings, a difference in size of bearing balls in the suspension axles, the dependence of dry friction forces on the normal pressure in these axles, and many other factors. This analysis resulted in an adequate understanding of the behavior of gyro devices and allowed one to provide the required level of accuracy of these devices.

After his Ph.D. studentship, D. M. Klimov worked at the Development Department of the Research and Development Institute of Applied Mechanics, currently named after Academician Viktor Ivanovich Kuznetsov. When working at that institute, Dmitry Mikhailovich continued his investigations and could implement his results in real devices and authored a number of inventions. One of these inventions, proposed by Dmitry Mikhailovich together with his colleague engineer Vladimir Antonovich Potapenko, has formed a basis for automation of the maintenance of rocket engineering objects. This was a remote testing method for gyro devices. Dmitry Mikhailovich has extended the results on the motion of a gyroscope in gimbals. These extended results have been presented in an appendix to the book "A Gyro in Gimbals" by E. L. Nikolai that has been published in 1964 under the editorship of D. M. Klimov and in the monograph "Dynamics of a Gyro in Gimbals" (1978) co-authored by D. M. Klimov and S. A. Kharlamov.

Gyro devices on a rocket are subject to intensive vibrations. It seemed apparent that a strong damping should reduce the influence of these vibrations. In his paper "On the motion of a strongly damped pendulum on a vibrating base" (1964), Dmitry Mikhailovich has shown that this is not always the case. Vibration leads to a drift of the equilibrium position of a strongly damped pendulum. This fact accounted for many specific features in the behavior of pendulum accelerometers subjected to vibration that had not been clear before. Specific features of resonant phenomena in gyro systems have been analyzed in the paper "On the resonance in an essentially nonlinear gyro system" (1970) co-authored by D. M. Klimov and V. A. Filippov.

Dmitry Mikhailovich has performed thorough investigations in the field of the general theory of inertial navigation systems. He has stated and proved a general theorem on the condition for gyro pendulum systems to be undisturbed. Based on this theorem, he has discovered a new class of undisturbed systems in which one can observe vibrations with a period different from the Schuler period. By analyzing the kinematic equations of inertial navigation, Dmitry Mikhailovich could determine conditions under which constant drift of the gyro does not lead to an increase in the error of operation of the entire system. In 1976, Dmitry Mikhailovich was awarded a State Prize of the USSR for a cycle of works on mechanics. Several years later, he published the monograph "Inertial Navigation for Ships" (Nauka, Moscow, 1986).

Since 1967, Dmitry Mikhailovich has worked at the Institute for Problems in Mechanics. First, he occupied a position of the Head of Department of Mechanics of Rigid Bodies and Gyroscopes and continued the development of the theory of gyro systems. In 1975, he was appointed a deputy director. In 1983, he was elected a Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences and in 1992 a Full Member (Academician) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 1988, he has been the Director of the Institute for Problems in Mechanics. Dmitry Mikhailovich has proved that the breadth of his scientific interests fully corresponds to such a post. He manages the work of the Institute in several directions.

He has organized a powerful computing center. With the appearance of personal computers, this center has been reorganized into a local network with high-performance computers. He develops computer algebra systems and implements these at the Institute. His own results have been presented in his monograph "Computer Algebra Methods in Problems of Mechanics" (Nauka, Moscow, 1989) co-authored by V. M. Rudenko. He has engaged the Institute in the work on the development of large-scale space structures. This work is substantially based on the power of the computing center. The results obtained in this direction have been published in the monograph "Modern Computer-aided Methods for Solving Problems in Mechanics" (Izd-vo MAI, Moscow, 1999) co-authored by V. G. Veretennikov, I. I. Karpov, D. M. Klimov, Yu. G. Markov, and A. V. Sharanyuk. For his works in this field, Dmitry Mikhailovich was awarded his second State Prize in 1994.

Dmitry Mikhailovich has continued investigations on the utilization of the soil loosening method for oil recovery. These investigations were initiated by Academician Sergei Alekseevich Khristianovich in one of the laboratories of the Institute. After the death of S. A. Khristianovich, D. M. Klimov took the direction of this laboratory on himself and developed this research to practical implementation, which gave rise to a considerable increase in oil recovery on the operating wells.

In one of the laboratories of the Institute, he has organized a research on a prospective mixing technology for viscoplastic media. An experimental installation has been created in this laboratory. Theoretical results of this research have been presented in the monograph "Investigation of Flow of Viscoplastic Media in Channels and Cavities with Variable Shape of Walls: Theoretical Foundation and Engineering Applications" (Nauka, Moscow, 1995) co-authored by A. V. Gnoevoi, D. M. Klimov, and V. M. Chesnokov.

In his former department, specializing in mechanics of gyro systems, Dmitry Mikhailovich has organized investigations on the hemispherical resonator gyro - a new prospective type of the gyro sensor. His monograph "Hemispherical Resonator Gyro" (co-authored by V. Ph. Zhuravlev) has been published yet in 1985. Currently, these works are being continued in close cooperation with designers of gyro devises in industries.

The Institute headed by Dmitry Mikhailovich is working at full strength with high efficiency. The creative atmosphere that has been laid by a brilliant scientist and organizer Alexander Yul'evich Ishlinskii is being supported and developed by the follower worthy of his teacher.

Dmitry Mikhailovich has managed a great work on training professionals for science. Several of his students have received a degree of Doctor of Sciences and more than 20 a degree of Candidate of Sciences (Ph. D.). He is the Head of a chair at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and delivers lectures to students of that institute. He has published the book "Applied Methods in the Theory of Oscillations" (co authored by V. Ph. Zhuravlev) devoted to general issues of mechanics. In 2002, the book "Group Theoretic Methods in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics" by D. M. Klimov and V. Ph. Zhuravlev was published in the English language. Based on their own reach experience, the authors of the book show how the powerful mathematical body of the theory of groups can be utilized for solving practical problems in mechanics.

In his 70, Dmitry Mikhailovich is full of creative potentials and energy.

Friends and colleagues of Dmitry Mikhailovich, together with the Editorial Board and the editors of this journal wish him happiness, good health, and long years of active creative life.
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